Workers Compensation: When to Get a Lawyer Involved

Workers Compensation
Workplace accidents are a common problem and are usually not a big deal.
Generally, you can work with your employer to solve any problems that may arise from an injury at work.
However, there are some cases that are more complicated where you may need to get an attorney involved.
Your Employer Is Denying that the Incident Happened
You need an attorney if your employer is saying that your injury was not caused by something that happened at work.
This can become a problem when it essentially boils down to your word against your employer’s, especially when working could potentially cause your injury to get worse.
By hiring an attorney, you have someone on your side who can help you prove the circumstances of your injury.
Your Employer Is Trying to Retaliate against You
Workers compensation law says that employers are not supposed to punish people who file a claim.
However, there are times where an employer will try to do this anyway. From changing your schedule to reducing your hours or pay, these are all situations where it would be good to hire a lawyer.
Having someone who will make sure you are not treated unfairly due to your injury can be invaluable both during and after the claims process.
The Claim Is Taking too Long to Process
While processing times can vary from state to state, generally your employer should do everything possible to have the claim filed and completed in 30 days.
If you feel that the process is stalling and taking much longer than you expected, then it may be time to get legal representation involved.
Not only is this frustrating, but it can also become problematic when you have expensive medical bills coming due and your claims process has not been completed.
A workers compensation lawyer can help speed all of this up and get you the compensation you need.
You Have a Permanent Disability
If your injury is serious enough, you may wind up with a permanent disability.
This makes the claims process more complex, as you will likely need additional compensation.
While some employers will be willing to work with you when complications arise, others may need the motivation of an attorney to help them along in the process.
Many people are able to handle a workers compensation claim on their own.
However, you need an attorney if your employer is denying that the incident happened. You will also need an attorney if the process is taking too long, or the employer has punished you.
Furthermore, an attorney can help encourage your employer to work with you and see that any permanent side effects from your injury are also dealt with in the proper manner.
Category: workers compensation