Who Is Eligible for Medicare and How to Get Started

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that has offered coverage for individuals over 65, regardless of income or medical history, since 1965.
Over the years, the Medicare program has expanded to cover younger individuals with some specific healthcare issues.
If you’re wondering about eligibility for the program, here are some basic facts on getting covered by Medicare.
Medicare Was Designed As A Program That Offers Coverage For Those Over Age 65
Older individuals often need extensive medical coverage, which is generally very expensive on the private market.
The Medicare program was designed to provide affordable coverage for people over 65, for whom private insurance would be prohibitively expensive.
Originally a program designed for older individuals, it was expanded to include those with specific, serious health problems that required ongoing medical care.
In this way, the program has been able to provide medical care for those who most need it.
Medicare Eligibility
You must be over 65 to be eligible for the program. You must be a U.S. Resident and a U.S. citizen.
Aliens who have been legally admitted to the U.S. and have lived here for five continuous years are also eligible for the program.
If you receive Social Security benefits, you are eligible for them. If you receive benefits from the Railroad Retirement Board, you can also participate in the program.
Individuals With Special Health Conditions
Disabled individuals can also be eligible for coverage after they have been on Social Security disability for 24 months.
Individuals diagnosed with end-stage renal disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can also get coverage.
Medicare Offers Many Options For Eligible Individuals
Medicare is divided into many coverage sections, including a no-cost Part A coverage for hospitalization and certain services, Part B, which covers doctors’ costs, and Part C, which offers many additional coverages provided by insurance companies.
A thoughtful analysis of your medical coverage needs during the Medicare enrollment period can help you determine the type of plan that would most benefit you.
Navigating the rules can be a complex process. An experienced insurance agent can help you to understand your rights and responsibilities under the program so you enjoy the benefits of the cost-effective healthcare coverage that it provides.
Category: Medicare