What Makes Your Website Ready for the Modern Internet User? Let’s Find Out.
The Internet has paved the way for many businesses nowadays. In today’s world, you don’t even need to have an actual physical office in order to have a business – you can run a business purely online, which makes it easy even for small entrepreneurs to have a chance for success. Cornwall is home to some of the fastest growing SMEs in the UK according to a recent report by Business Cornwall.
If you live in Cornwall, for instance, and you have an enterprise, you can still have a global reach. You can get adequate online exposure to customers across the globe, and this gives you a much bigger opportunity to make a profit.
But of course, you have to start with a good website first. Your website is your portal to the world, and if you have the right web design, then you can go very far indeed.
So what makes for good web design that attracts a modern, global audience?
A site’s attractiveness draws visitors to it. But after they are drawn to your site’s colourful, unique graphics and design, what next? This is where your site’s navigability comes in. An easily-navigable site will retain visitors. Whilst it’s tempting to be quite cryptic, it pays to have a site that has clear names and categories. You need to have a contact us page as well as an about page and a FAQ page that is easy to distinguish. Aside from this, your site can benefit greatly from a strategically-placed call to action. Whether you would like visitors to contact you, register for news and updates, or purchase a product, a clear call to action would serve you well.
Your ‘contact us’ page
Sometimes we get a bit distracted with the other elements of our site that we fail to pay attention to our contact page. You need to remember to have a clear, concise contact page where visitors can easily see your information, which should include your telephone number/s, your email address, and, if you have it, your physical location. It would also be a good idea to include a simple contact form on the page itself. Also, when inputting your phone number or email address, try to make it so it can be clicked on straight from your site, making it convenient for visitors to quickly call you when they want.
Site security
It is also important to consider the security of your site. Today, we are plagued by cybercriminals and cyber attacks. It is best, therefore, to have your site fully protected from hackers and malicious elements such as viruses. Make your site more secure with an SSL certificate, which has the ability to encrypt whatever communication you have with your visitors, especially when it comes to their personal information and credit card numbers.
Social media
Needless to say, social media networks have taken the world by storm. You should also integrate your site with various social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram, among others. With these platforms, you can almost effortlessly give your site the boost it needs with better SEO and user engagement.
If you have a business in Cornwall and are in the process of planning your website, Cornwall web design experts would be quick to agree that for your website to succeed, these modern elements need to be in place.