What Can You Do When an Injury Leaves You Out of Work Permanently?

Out of Work
When you’re injured and out of work, you must act to keep yourself from declining into constant worry and depression. You can do things to secure your future, get the compensation you deserve and make ends meet for the rest of your life.
Even if you can’t work, you’re still a valuable and worthy member of society and deserve the best that you can get out of life.
Stabilize Your Health
Nothing else matters if your health declines to the point that you can’t enjoy your life.
That means that stabilizing your health comes first. You must get the right medical treatment, take your medication, do prescribed therapy, and take every action possible to maintain or regain function.
If you’re concerned about how to pay for treatment, keep reading.
Fight for Workers’ Compensation
When you’re injured on the job, you have a right to workers’ compensation benefits from your employer’s insurance company.
You should not have to prove that the incident was the company’s fault. The claims process doesn’t always go smoothly, however.
A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.
In most cases, you can’t sue your employer, but a workers’ compensation lawyer can work to get you money for medical bills, disability benefits, rehabilitation, and more.
Apply for Social Security Disability
If you can’t work because of illness or injury, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability, a governmental insurance program funded by payroll taxes.
You could get a check or direct deposit each month as well as medical insurance coverage.
Each state has its own rules, eligibility requirements, and application process. Take the time to research the options and guidelines for your area.
You could qualify for full or partial benefits, and you may be required to prove eligibility every few months.
Accept Help to Get on Your Feet
Getting back to a stable financial, emotional, and physical situation after a disabling workplace injury can be difficult, but it’s something you must do.
Many people and organizations are willing to help you. Seek out and accept temporary help from charities, food banks, churches, and social services organizations to get your life on a new track toward satisfaction and fulfillment.
These groups exist to serve people in your situation. Your friends and family are also there to help you through this difficult time.
A workplace injury can make it necessary to reevaluate your life and adjust your expectations, but it should not derail you completely.
With the benefits you deserve and the help you need, you can find a way to meet your needs and contribute to society as well.
Category: Health