Ways to Help Tidy up Your Place of Business
Ideally, we should all keep a neat and tidy work space. However, this can be harder than it seems. Tidy up your place of business with just a few small items and tips.
If you have a customer facing place of business, it’s important to keep it looking neat and tidy to maintain a professional appearance. After all, no one is going to want to eat at or buy from an establishment that looks messy and disorganized. Having a clean and clutter free workplace can also increase productivity. Just a few little additions to your space means you can tidy it up in no time.
Brochure Holders
If you have any brochures, leaflets, flyers, business cards or other similar items to display, brochure holders are just what you need. Without them, you’re likely to end up with a mess of brochures on your desk or other display surface, which only turns into a bigger mess each time someone takes another item. This is such a cheap, yet effective way of arranging all your brochures and similar items that you’ll wonder how you ever got on without one.
Desk Tidies
Does your sales desk have a slew of pens, pencils, paper clips and other stationery items all over it? If so, what you could do with is a desk tidy. Organise all your pens and other such bits and pieces into one neat holder. That way, you’ll never again have to scrabble around to find a pen, because they’ll all be right there in front of you. It might seem obvious that you need one, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t even consider it and go without.
Chalkboards are extremely useful for divulging any pertinent information to your customers without having to bombard them with lots of bits of paper. If you run a restaurant, rather than having specials on a separate menu, write them on a chalkboard where everyone can see. You can get large chalkboards for walls or small ones for tables or desks. A small, desktop chalkboard is a really good alternative to having printed out signs. Don’t you take credit cards for transactions underĀ 5? Don’t print out a little sign and stick it up; write it on a small chalkboard and keep it by the till.
If you have any local events or community information that you like to advertise, you should make use of a noticeboard. Rather than having adverts in your window or dotted around the place, you can put them all on one noticeboard, so it’s easy for everyone to see and it looks neater and tidier for your benefit too.
Those are just a few of the great items that can help you neaten up your place of business. If they don’t suit your needs, there are many more available. Think about what your weaknesses are when it comes to tidiness and utilise some items that will help you out.
Peter Smith is interested in business solutions. He writes on the topic of business and productivity for several different print and online publications. He loves that a wide range of brochure holders are available to suit all needs.

Category: Business