Wage Gap Between High School Grads and College Graduates

Wage Gap
The wage gap between university graduates and high school grads is an ongoing debate. It has been a topic of discussion since the mid-1990’s when the gap was first noticed by researchers.
This gap is still being discussed today. The issue of the wage gap is very important to people who are considering a career in higher education.
There are multiple elements that can affect the wages of a person after they have completed their education.
These factors include where you live, your major, your age, your race, and even your gender.
Additional Factors for Wage Differences
There are numerous distinct rationales why there is a wage gap between college graduates and those with less than a high school diploma.
For instance, if a female decides to become a nurse instead of becoming a teacher, she will earn more money than a man would who chooses to become a teacher.
This is because there are more female nurses than male teachers. Also, females are more likely to be hired in positions where they will be able to work part-time while raising children.
Males on the other hand are more likely to work full time and therefore earn more money. Another factor that affects the wage gap is where you go to school.
For example, if you attend a private college or university, you will earn more money than someone who attends a public institution.
Cost of Living in College
If you are contemplating attending a university or college, you should make sure that you do not only look at the cost of tuition but also the cost of living.
This will help you decide what kind of job you want to pursue after you graduate.
You should also think about whether or not you like to get a degree in a field that will pay you more or a degree that will pay you less.
It is important to realize that you are not just competing against people who have the same educational background as you.
You are also vying against individuals who have the very same employment experience as you.
So before you decide which college you want to attend, you should take into consideration the cost of living as well as the cost of tuition.
Category: Career