Top Signs of a Bad Faith Insurance Case

Bad Faith Insurance
Bad faith insurance cases are surprisingly common. Many have likely been victims of bad faith insurance practices without even realizing it.
The problem is that insurance companies are in the business of making money, and they will often put their bottom line ahead of their policyholders’ best interests.
As a result, policyholders can end up being denied the coverage they paid for or being offered an unfair settlement after filing a claim.
If you find yourself in this situation, you may be wondering if you have a bad faith insurance case on your hands.
Here are the top signs that you may be dealing with a bad faith insurance company.
Your Claim Was Unreasonably Denied
It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to deny claims outright, even when there is ample evidence to support them.
If your claim has been denied without a valid explanation, this is a red flag that you may be dealing with a bad faith insurer.
Your Claim Was Underpaid
Another common tactic used by bad faith insurers is to lowball claimants on the settlements for their claims.
This leaves policyholders having to cover the difference out of their own pockets despite having paid for full coverage.
If you feel like you’ve been unfairly offered a low settlement, this could be another sign that you’re dealing with bad faith practices.
You’re Getting the Runaround
Bad faith insurers will often stall in processing claims in the hopes that claimants will either give up or accept a lower settlement out of frustration.
If your claim has been unresolved for an extended period without any clear explanation as to why this could be a sign that the insurance company is engaged in bad faith practices.
Your Calls Are Ignored
It’s not unusual for insurance companies to ignore policyholders’ calls entirely or provide vague answers that don’t address their concerns.
If you feel like you’re playing constant phone tag or being brushed off every time you try to contact your insurer, this could be another sign of bad faith practices.
These are just four signs that you may be dealing with a bad faith insurance company.
If you suspect that your insurer is engaging in bad faith practices, you must reach out to an experienced attorney like those at Cormany Law.
A legal professional can help you understand your legal rights and options moving forward.
Category: Insurance