They Also Serve Who Save!

| January 15, 2014
Save Money

Save Money (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)

We all know capitalism thrives on free enterprise and investment. In this the part played by individual savings is not to be belittled. Savings as deferred spending is essential for the success of humanity as a whole for whom capitalism may be a preferred path to prosperity.

Savings have the saving grace of a sense of worth and something to fall back on when the going gets rough – like they often do in a boom and bust cycle laden economy. While stocks and investments may turn out to be a pittance in a financial meltdown, savings are safe and ready to hand. Incidentally, savings are quite different from investment even if many banks seem to think otherwise!

Having said all that about savings, there is no better example of the case of ‘easier said than done ‘ as actual saving itself. Maybe this is where the other definition of savings as deferred spending may be of some motivation to a perennially spendthrift generation such as we seem to be. Fortunately help is to hand. The company not only makes it look doable but also shows how – in simple, direct and effective ways. Even though one can joke about something like ‘doers do, and those who can’t teach!’ Here the good Professor Savings is as practical as can be and not preaching from an ivory tower.

Thus the 90 day workshop on financial management is a step by step hand held approach as it were for your financial prudence and well-being. And savings play a very big part in all this – for every person in every walk of life.

Considering the dismal statistic that Americans are very subpar when it comes to financial savvy – including teenagers – as evidenced by a survey of high schoolers, Professor Savings and his help is indeed a saving hand for a drowning person! He rightfully stresses the importance of financial literacy for the young people in schools and outlines steps in achieving this. It goes without saying savings is the ‘abc’ of financial literacy, without which all the other stuff exists only in the mind – well-nigh impossible to achieve in practice without savings

There are special sections devoted to women, retirement, home and mortgages, even wedding and divorce. In each it is lucidly explained how the financial impact of one’s attitude, knowledge and circumstances can help in security and peace of mind, and a debt free life. The website is easy to access and navigate, bringing all one may want to know at one’s fingertips. There are videos that go straight to the root of the matter and stays in one’s mind long after one has seen them. And to catch the young who are always on the go and on their mobile phones for any length of time, the website is interactive with mobile devices.

In the ultimate reckoning, it is all in motivation. As in health, so is in wealth. Saving requires motivation and what better motivation is there than one’s financial security and well-being in good times and bad? It is no doubt a lifelong mission, but then as the wise saying goes, even the longest journey starts but with the first step!

It is amazing how regular and consistent saving grows into a respectable sum unbeknownst oneself in the long run.

Paul Johnson is a retired engineer with has a keen interest in economic affairs and is now associated with the creative team at Professor Savings.


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Category: Budget, Saving Money

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