The Greek Islands on the Cheap

View of coast looking east from Vatera Beach on the Greek island of Lesbos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you’ve got time on your hands and fancy a cheap holiday to the Greek Islands, then there are various ways this can be done, but of course – you have to get there first. These days, there are lots of cheap flights to get here, so find the cheapest and build your itinerary around that. It really doesn’t matter too much where you fly to; if you have sufficient time available, you’ll be able to get around cheaply and with ease – and relax and enjoy yourself while you’re doing it.
The best time to come here is just before and just after the main tourist peak season summer months of July and August when it’s generally too busy and too packed.
The best way to see the Greek islands is undoubtedly by ferry boats. These are both cheap and they’re relaxing. They also have restaurants and snack bars – everything you need while you enjoy the unrivaled scenery.
What’s more – boats to the more distant Greek islands including Crete, Rhodes, Lesbos and Kos usually depart in the evening. So if you can afford a cabin, it’s just like staying to sleep in a hotel but you wake up where you want to be in the morning – as a substitute for a luxury cruise and a lot cheaper.
Crete, Rhodes, Kos orLesbos Greece holidays aren’t really complete unless you’ve had a chance to sail around the islands and see them from the ocean. So even if you’re on a simple package deal to just one island for a week or two – do make time for at least one boat trip.
The new Aegean ferries really are like being on an airplane. You sit in comfortable reclining chairs; there are movies on TVs and restaurants with excellent food as well as sun decks to enjoy the sunshine and beautiful scenery.
The frequency of the ferry boats varies from island to island. If you fly to Athens, then make your way to the port of Pireaus via he metro from the stop closest to you (which is usually Monastiraki or Omonia) all the way to the last stop on the line which is Pireaus, catch a boat across the street and start enjoying yourself. You won’t regret it and it can be a very cheap holiday.

Category: Travel