The Benefits of Arranging Bike Insurance Early
Vehicle insurance – Most of us recognize it as being something that we simply can’t do without, but it often seems more trouble than it’s worth when it comes time to renew or, for those unhappy with their current insurance policy, make new arrangements, i.e. source a new insurance policy for their car or motorbike.
Avoiding hassles and problems is one of the most prominent reasons for making insurance arrangements early and with ample time to spare because it provides motorists – bikers and drivers – with the time they require to adequately explore the options available to them.
Arranging motorbike insurance early is therefore very advantageous; here are a few reasons why.
- You’ll have the time to understand what a competitive policy entails
Many of us have been riding for years and still lack an understanding of what a competitive motorbike insurance policy entails.
Admittedly it doesn’t take long to find out, though the more time you allow yourself to conduct a bit of self-directed research into the matter – there’s so much unbiased/unaffiliated information on the subject – the better for you and your wallet.
- You’ll have time to source quotes from competing insurers
Renewing a motorbike insurance policy at the last minute often results in bikers taking out the same insurance policy again even though they mightn’t have been overly impressed with their existing policy.
However, if you start exploring the options available to you with ample time to spare – by obtaining quotes from competing insurers and comparing them with the aim of taking out the insurance policy with the most competitive premiums and other benefits – there’s no reason why you should find yourself in possession of a policy that you’re not 100 percent happy with.
- You’ll have time to negotiate with your current insurer
If you’ve been with your current insurer for a few years now and you haven’t been guilty of making unnecessary claims and you’ve kept your nose clean on the road, you might like to consider negotiating the terms of your insurance contract.
Most insurers reward their clients for not making claims or keeping them to a minimum, though it’s often the case that they won’t offer if the customer doesn’t ask.
By making arrangements for a new policy early you’ll be leaving yourself ample time to negotiate your premiums and if your insurer won’t budge, you’ll find yourself with ample time to look elsewhere.
- You’ll have time to buy a new bike alarm and lock
It’s remarkable how significantly some insurers are willing to reduce their premiums if they feel their customers are making the effort to protect and secure their motorbikes, especially classic motorbikes with manufacturer-specific insurance policies like Triumph motorcycle insurance for those lucky enough to possess one of these enduring examples of British engineering finesse.
By making arrangements for motorbike insurance early you’ll have time to discuss the security measures that you’re currently taking, and the security measures your insurer would like to see you take, if they’re to reduce your insurance premiums.
In addition to storing your bike in a garage with a secure deadbolt, this will likely also include a bike alarm and lock. Most insurers insist upon Thatcham approved alarms and locks.
- You’ll have time to take a motorbike course
When researching ways to reduce your motorbike insurance policy premiums you’ll come to realise that many insurers will offer reduced premiums to bikers who have completed a motorbike training course, not the motorcyclist training you need to complete to go for your license, but a supplementary, voluntary course that aids you in staying safe on the road.
Check with your insurer before signing up for a course as they might prefer their customers to complete a particular course and always insist on certification so as to have proof to show your insurer.
Making arrangements for motorbike insurance – renewing an existing policy or making arrangements for a new one – can be an inconvenience at times, but it isn’t something you should ever find yourself without.
Moreover, if you leave yourself ample time to explore your options and make arrangements you needn’t inconvenience yourself in any way, including paying more to insure your bike than you need to.
Author: Dan Ellis is a freelance writer for Carole Nash, one of the leading providers of motorbike insurance in the UK. Their selection of policies can cover all types of off-road, custom, vintage, classic, and modern motorcycles.

Category: Insurance
Giving yourself plenty of time for insurance purchases is really valuable. There is so much to learn when shopping for such things. More time means that you can compare and really find the best deal.
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