Tag: Work

How Sharing Could Save You Money And Keep The Economy Going
No matter how much we might consider the actions of our conservative-led government to be in direct conflict with societal progress, starting an all out revolution probably isn’t the best idea for many reasons. Like it or not, we do have a high level of physical security in the UK at the moment, meaning that […]

How to Successfully Manage a Workforce
A strong workforce is the backbone of a successful company. The people who work for your company are your representatives and are responsible for making a strong first impression on clients as well as driving sales. From office juniors to senior managers, each employee should be valued. Here are a couple of tips which can […]

The Benefits of Being Self-Employed
Are you thinking of taking the bold step in to freelancing? Because of its many advantages, the number of people leaving full-time employment to hop on the contracting bandwagon is growing at a staggering rate in the UK. Freelancers make up about 5-6% of the entire UK workforce, with a 12% increase recorded from 2008. […]
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