Tag: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

What You Need to Know: A Virtual Tour of the Health Insurance Marketplace
The marketplace is open. Now what? You need health insurance – the government is mandating it. But, you don’t know what to do. More than that, you’re not sure you can even afford it. What happens when Jan 1 rolls around and you don’t have a policy? Don’t let that happen. Hop on the exchange, […]

What’s Really Going On? Unemployment Rates, Healthcare and You
The financial collapse and mortgage crisis in the United States threw the country into an economic tailspin that was slow to right itself. The passage of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 caused much controversy in the midst of these other concerns, and many people have bundled the problems left over from the Great Recession […]

Dr. Copay in California: Understanding Health Insurance in the Golden State
Health insurance is a very necessary monthly expense – without an insurance plan, a single medical event has the ability to bankrupt your family. Even worse, you may have trouble finding a doctor who will see you for even basic treatment. When you’re out searching for a health plan, there are some basic factors that […]

10 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Insurance Bills
Homeowners insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, travel insurance, life insurance, and more. It’s easy to feel like a big portion of your monthly household income goes towards protecting yourself from calamities that might never happen. Though car insurance rates can vary wildly by state, the national average is around $1,500 per year. And according to […]

Why Nurse Managed Health Clinics Are the Future of Health Care
When the Patient Protection and Affordability Act goes into effect in 2014, almost overnight an additional 31 million Americans will have health care coverage. It stands to reason that there will be increased demand for health care services, especially given that the number of individuals with chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension and high […]

How Obama Affect Medical Debt in America
There are quite a number of benefits that the Obama care has presented to Americans. Although it may take a while for one to fully enjoy these benefits, in the long run, one gets to experience various protections to not just themselves but to their entire families. Some of these benefits include the following: One […]
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