Tag: mortgage loans

How to Decide If a Conventional Mortgage Loan Is Right for You
A conventional mortgage loan has long been the traditional option of financing a home purchase. However, there are more mortgage loans available today to choose from. Give some thought to which type of home loan would work best with your life circumstances. Simple and Convenient Traditional mortgage loans are widely used and fairly straightforward. Borrowers […]

How a Lender Reviews Your Mortgage Application
Most of us have filled out a mortgage application at one time or another. Have you ever wondered what they are actually looking for when going over your application? If you’re currently looking to purchase a home, it might be helpful to understand how a lender reviews your information. Even if you’re not in the […]

5 Tips to Help You Get an Approval for a Mortgage
You must have seen many advertisements on different websites and on television of lending institutions and borrowers happily smiling after the loan has been approved. However, this is not the truth. If you have applied for a loan, you must have got a rude awakening when your application for a home loan was refused. With […]

4 Questions You Need To Ask Before Applying for a Mortgage
Today many people are taking advantage of the new Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). I recently refinanced my home mortgage and reduced my interest rate by 1%. My new payment is almost $200 less. It’s quite a savings. When applying for a new mortgage most people just focus on the lower percentage rate and the […]
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