Tag: Money Management

Home Savings: How to Save Money on Your Homeowner’s Insurance
Buying a home is one of the largest investments a person can make. It is a major milestone in a person’s life which makes homeowners insurance so important. The cost of this insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars. This is why it important to shop around and consider the factors listed below. Have a […]

Family Finances: 7 Unique Ideas to Survive On a Tight Budget
Living on a tight budget is hard, but most of us have to do this sometime during our life. The secret to living on a tight budget is to not incur more debt while you are being frugal. Here are seven unique tips to help you through the rough times and that are useful as […]

Books, Backpacks, and Banking: Teaching Teens Financial Literacy
Being financially literate means having the ability to make informed money-related decisions based on knowledge and skills in managing money. One does not become financially literate overnight; gaining the necessary knowledge and skills is a lifelong process. Many of us may even still be learning how to manage and spend our money wisely. Learning to […]

Obtaining Personal Security: 6 Elements to Lifelong Financial Stability
Lifelong financial security is not some faraway ideal, it is a reachable goal for all people. Financial stability does take a lot of work and careful strategies to execute. However, anyone can take the proper investments in their life to secure a solid financial path that can last their entire lifetime. Here are 6 elements […]

Financial Check List for Tenants
Moving out of home for the first time can be a little daunting. You think ‘I earn £850 per month now, and rent is only £450, so I can afford to rent easily,’ but you won’t necessarily know what other costs are involved in a) the moving out process, or b) the monthly outgoings. Additionally, […]

Go On a Spending Diet – 5 Ways to Be More Financially Healthy
Good financial health ensures that the other areas of your life go more smoothly. Unfortunately, not everyone has a grasp on their finances. In fact, there may be a number of bad habits that impinge on your wallet. But it’s not too late to get back to full financial health. Follow the steps of this […]

Selecting the Best Credit Card for Yourself
Having a credit card (or several credit cards) has become an indispensable tool of most people in the world today. A credit card allows you to make instant payments even when you do not have cash or any other form of liquid money at your disposal at any given point in time. The use of […]

Saving Money This Spring
There’s never a wrong time to reassess your spending habits, make some changes, and start saving money. With summer quickly approaching, there’s a good chance that you have your eyes set on some costly expenditures—perhaps a new summer wardrobe, a bike to cruise around the city, or the beach vacation you’ve always dreamed of. Whatever […]

Reasons to Consider Automating Those Accounts Processes
If you walk through your accounts office, you are likely to see people wading through piles of paper which they would rather not have on their desks. This has been the way of finance departments throughout the decades, but things are starting to change – and automation, for many, is on its way. It is […]
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