Tag: IPhone

Tips For Saving Money On Technology
Whether you’re just a gadget geek, or you need the latest and greatest tech for work, you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg to be technologically advanced. So maybe you have an Android instead of an iPhone, you still have a great smartphone with a camera and 4G, right? Maybe you just […]

Getting Over Empty Nest Syndrome: Keeping in Touch Despite the Miles
When all your children have grown up and either married or moved away, empty nest syndrome is inevitable. Suddenly, that once always busy house suddenly seems so quiet and still. Your house was just the right size for your family but with most members gone, it suddenly seems cavernous. One of the things that can […]

Cut Your Mobile Phone Bill By Getting the Best Contract Deal
Many smartphone owners are paying more for their phone services than they need to. They choose to go for the deals with the larger data allowances and then fail to make use of it. The overcompensating not only wastes the extra allowance, they might as well be throwing money down the drain. Rather than find […]

Tech Savings 101 – DIY iPad Case: Are You Up For the Challenge?
Protecting your iPad with a case is a must. As one of the most technologically advanced devices on the market today that allows you to have infinite amounts of knowledge at your fingertips, it deserves strong protection. But instead of just going to the store and buying a case, some crafty folks are considering making […]

Repairing Your Shattered Ipad: A Costly Replacement
A shattered iPad screen can set you back a pretty penny if you want it repaired. The screen alone is not serviceable by Apple, since they do not cater to repairs of your screen. iPad Repair and Replacement Apple will instead choose to offer you a refurbished iPad in exchange for your broken iPad. This comes at […]

Saving Money on Must-Have Gadgets
We all like to have the very latest technology, whether it’s an amazing smart phone, the lightest laptop on the market or a camera with amazing picture quality from unimaginable distances. However, the very best of the very latest costs substantial amounts of money, so much so that many people are priced out of the […]
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