Tag: Insurance

A Lesson in Annuity: Five Important things to Know about Annuity Buyers
Annuities are popular retirement products that promise to offer a steady payment during retirement and lower risks of investment. Many borrowers consider this do-it-yourself pension fund a quick way to generate a steady stream of income after 65. However, there are a few important factors to consider when purchasing these products, especially if you are […]

Medical Bills: How to Save Up for the Next Procedure
Medical bills are one of the biggest expenses we all face. For example, when you learn more about LASIK eye surgery, you find it costs on average, $5,000 for both eyes. That can be a hefty sum for anyone, and may prevent someone from getting a surgery that can give long term benefits. Another worry, […]

Family First: Everything You Need to Know Before Buying Home Insurance
Insurance, in all of its forms, is all about mitigating risk. The insurance company is betting you will not have a claim, and that they will get to keep the premium you pay them, while you as the homeowner is betting they will have a catastrophic claim, and will need the coverage their policy provides. […]

3 Quick Tips To Save Big on Life Insurance
In today’s economy we are all looking for ways to cut expenses and save a few dollars where possible. Life insurance is the least likely place that you would think of saving money on since the rates are fixed by the law. However, there are a few things that you can do that industry veterans […]

The Benefits of Arranging Bike Insurance Early
Vehicle insurance – Most of us recognize it as being something that we simply can’t do without, but it often seems more trouble than it’s worth when it comes time to renew or, for those unhappy with their current insurance policy, make new arrangements, i.e. source a new insurance policy for their car or motorbike. […]

Get What You Deserve
Even if you have an insurance policy, there is no guarantee that your insurance provider will honor any claim that you make against that policy. If you are fighting with your insurance company, you can hire an attorney who can help you get all the benefits that you are entitled to under your policy. An […]

Tips by Tom Fortino on How to Control and Safeguard Your Finance
Are you tricked by people in the name of increasing your money in just few months? Do you try new means to double your money and find yourself cheated? Are you unaware of the scams and scandals for money? Do you want to control and safeguard your money including the business or personal finances? Then, […]

Spend A Little Now To Save More Later: 5 Things You Don’t Want To Skip Because Of Money
If you don’t have a lot of money left over in your budget every month after covering basic necessities, you have to do a lot of prioritizing in your life. However, some things that look as though they are optional and cost too much money might really be things that could bite you later if […]

Thinking About Becoming a Landlord Then Learn What Insurance You Need
With demand for rental properties soaring to new heights, more people are jumping at the chance to become a buy-to-let landlord. However, there’s a lot to learn if you’re just entering the market, from the right sort of buy-to-let landlord insurance, through to the right mortgage for your needs. After all, taking out a mortgage […]
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