Tag: Home improvement

How to Remain Cool When You’re AC Unit Breaks Down
When the summer temperatures finally arrive, we all rush to turn our air conditioning systems on full blast. The cool air feels fantastic especially when the temperatures reach the three digit numbers. It is usually around this time that an air conditioning system can break down. When a unit stops working, it can wreak havoc […]

Extending To Create The Home That Is Right For You
Making a home that works for you and your family isn’t simply a question of applying a lick of paint and scattering some new cushions. If you have outgrown your existing home and need more space, or if you have found a new house that has great potential, how do you make the home that […]

Make A Bold Statement At Home This Year And Redecorate
An Englishman’s home is his castle, as the saying goes and never have Brits been more house-proud. If you believe everything you read in the newspapers, people are going out less, preferring to stay at home. This article gives some suggestions for sprucing up your own space. Decorating Is Trendy Again People are once again […]

Simple Ways to Avoid Spending Much on Home Repairs
Home should be a safe haven where we and our family must feel comfortable. A place to relax and sleep soundly. It should keep us safe and shelter us from the harsh weather outside. But what if one day you see a dripping water from your ceiling due to heavy rain? When you go inside […]

10 Ways Your Home Can Save You Money
There are many ways in which your home can save you money in the short and long term; it’s crucial to be aware of the different areas of your home that can be adapted to be more cost effective, while also considering the installation of new devices and renovations that can add value to your […]

Home Renovation Projects NOT Worth the Cost
Although there are many improvements that can be made to residential properties which will add real value to the home in question, there are a number of home improvement projects that it is best to steer clear of if you are hoping to make a profit on the work that is carried out. Below are […]

10 Ways Home Improvement Can Increase the Value of Your Home
There are many ways in which making improvements to your home can help to increase its value for the future; this can take several forms, which can include major renovations to spaces, as well as smaller fixes that can allow you to save on energy. You can also increase the value of your home by […]

Ways to Save Money in Your Home This Winter
There are plenty of easy ways to save money in the home, such as remembering to switch the TV off at the mains. On average, a UK household will spend £35 per year on appliances that are left on standby, or which run without frequent interruption, such as a digital clock. Although appliances manufactured since […]

How To Save Money By Installing Your Own Garage Door Opener
If you experience problems getting out of your car to open up your garage entryway when there is blazing heat, heavy wind or rain and snow, then you should consider installing an automated garage door opener. The whole installation process can be done by a professional installer but be aware that you can save a […]
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