Tag: Health insurance

Why You Need to Get Your Insurance Figured Out ASAP
When it comes to insurance, many people tend to put it off and procrastinate until it’s too late. However, having the right insurance coverage is essential to ensure you’re protected in an unexpected event. Whether it’s home, car, or health insurance, each type of coverage can save you from severe financial trouble in the long […]

5 Tips for Lowering the Cost of Your Prescription
Prescriptions can be expensive, but with so many Americans taking them to maintain good health, it’s important to find ways to reduce the cost. Here are some tips on lowering the cost of your prescription. Look for Generics Many prescription medications have a generic, cheaper version than the brand name. Generic medications are the same […]

6 Reasons Why You Need to Have Insurance
Having insurance is crucial in protecting you and your family’s financial security. Insurance provides a safety net for unforeseen events that could leave you with a hefty bill. While some may hesitate to invest in insurance due to the cost, the peace of mind and protection it provides far outweigh the expenses. This blog post […]

4 Ways New Parents Can Get Financial Aid For Disabled Newborn Care
Caring for any newborn can be an exciting challenge, but disabled babies can come with some extra needs that a parent may struggle to meet. If you have a new baby diagnosed by a doctor as having at least one disability, you may be able to get some financial help for the additional costs associated […]

How to Help Your Finances After a Costly and Serious Illness
Dealing with a serious illness is taxing on so many levels. Not only are you worried about getting through the pain each day, but you’re likely also worried about your financial health. Here are some great tips that can help to keep your finances at bay after undergoing a costly illness. Talk With A Professional […]

Eliminating Burdensome Medical Debt
Nowadays, the rising cost of health care has resulted in families from right across the country paying increasingly higher premiums for health insurance. Out-of-pocket medical expenses have also skyrocketed and many have experienced cutbacks in their coverage. When they are unable to afford to cover their health care bills in their entirety, a number […]

Got Insurance? How to Prepare for Monthly Expenses
The mere thought of insurance can be incredibly overwhelming. People have to think about health insurance. They have to think about homeowners insurance, too. These things are just the starting point. If you want to be able to cover all of your monthly insurance expenses, careful planning is the way to go. Put a List […]

8 Factors To Consider Before You Buy a Health Insurance Policy!
With health insurance plans becoming the need of the time as the cost of medical services, you may see many service providers offering you plan laced with benefits. Yes, since many players offering various types of health insurance policies, buyers are spoiled for choices as seeking one that suits their needs is a tough job. […]

Understanding Your Health Insurance Coverage
A recent Harvard study found that 62% of personal bankruptcies were caused by unmanageable medical debt. Now, if you have health insurance, you might think that you’re safe from this kind of debt. However, the study went on to learn that 80% of people who filed bankruptcy due to medical bills already had medical insurance! […]
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