Tag: energy saving

Check These Utilities During Spring Cleaning to Prevent Energy Loss and Excess Cost
Spring cleaning is a great time to open the windows, take stock of what you have in your home, and make sure everything is operating as it should. One important component of spring cleaning, then, is to ensure that you prevent energy loss or excess energy use occurring. By checking this now, you will ensure that […]

3 Simple Ways to Save Money on Utility Bills
As of the moment, almost everything goes up. Even blood pressures of people rise because of high cost of living. A person earning minimum wage (which usually varies based on the state) really feels the burden of high prices. Minimum wage ranges between $7.25 to $9.19 per hour. Is this enough to feed a family? […]

Think Outside the Box: New Ways to Save Money
There are tons of ways to save money around your home. Many of these ways concern how well your doors and windows conserve heat and coolness. The following are just a few of the ways you can save a bundle quickly. Utilize Storm Doors to Keep Energy Inside A lot of people focus on making […]

Saving Money Around the Home
When it comes to saving money, there are a lot of ways you can keep more of it in your pocket by investing a small amount in various aspects of your life. It’s much like playing the stock market, only that your investments into your home are guaranteed to pay off. Wouldn’t you rather spend […]
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