Tag: Energy conservation

Ways to Save Money in Your Home This Winter
There are plenty of easy ways to save money in the home, such as remembering to switch the TV off at the mains. On average, a UK household will spend £35 per year on appliances that are left on standby, or which run without frequent interruption, such as a digital clock. Although appliances manufactured since […]

Enhancing Efficiency Will Reduce Energy Use and Save You Money
Despite warm temperatures for the first week of December, winter is well underway. And with the cooler temperatures, there is the normal rise in heating and electricity costs. To avoid feeling the sting of rising electricity rates, there are things you can do to make your home warm and increase energy efficiency in your home. […]

Knock a Zero Off of Your Energy Bills: A Practical Guide
Look for this logo when considering your new roofing materials (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Let’s face facts, energy is not getting any cheaper, and we use more of it now than ever before. From modern appliances to keeping your home warm through the winter, almost everything you rely on for a comfortable life at home uses […]
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