Tag: Debt settlement

Getting Your Debt Under Control: 6 Steps To a Brighter Financial Future
Debt is a problem that plagues so many people in the world, and it is something that is hard to overcome once it gets out of control. Nearly half of the American population carries some sort of credit balance from month to month, and as you would assume, carrying credit balances is what sets people […]

5 Strategies for Becoming Dept Free in 2014
Getting out of debt is a great resolution for the new year, but without a solid plan of how to do it, odds are low that you’ll get any further on your debt than last year. In fact, it is very likely that if you do not plan well you will simply sink yourself further […]

Approaching Debt as an Investment
Confronting debt head-on is not a task for the faint-hearted. Whether you are steeped in student loans, credit card debt or endless accounts, creating a tally of what you owe in its entirety is enough to leave you feeling terrified. Surprisingly, today’s investment professionals are advising you to gather up everything you owe and place […]

Introduction to Debt Deals: Personal Insolvency Arrangements & Debt Settlement Arrangements
Debt settlement arrangements are contributory “debt deals” negotiated by a personal insolvency practitioner (PIP) with your unsecured creditors. Creditors aren’t obligated to accept them. You’ll have to be able to contribute towards your debts, usually from surplus monthly income but also potentially through the disposal of an asset. They will usually run for five years. […]

Get The Total Recovery From Debt Settlement
The word debt settlement is the way of declaration of the people when they are not able to pay to those creditors from whom they took money as a debt. Sometimes the same thing the person repeats with credit cards then it is known as the credit card debt settlement. But everyone wants to find […]

Difference between Credit Counselling and Debt Settlement
Even though both of these services offer you help to settle your loans, there are a lot of things that sets these two apart. Credit counselors are non- profit organizations that help you manage your money whereas a debt settlement company is a for-profit organization that deals with your debts. So basically these companies offer […]

Surefire Ways to Get Yourself Out of Debt
Being in debt is one situation all of us would rather not experience. Yet, there are times some don’t learn a lesson. They overcome it all just to find themselves buried in debt once again. Six Ways to be Debt Free For those ready to get out of the cycle of debt, here are six […]

Learn How to Utilize the Economic Conditions to Reduce Credit Card Debt
You may have seen your friends swiping cards at shopping malls and walk away with products without paying anything on the counter. Amazing isn’t it! That is the magic of a credit card. You can also get one and show off in front of others, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay the money for your purchases. You owe […]

6 Ways to Clear Your Debts Faster and Improve Your Financial Planning
Do you feel pressured when you go through the lists of your debts? Now you should definitely take the initiative to clear off your debts as soon as possible. You should definitely jot down the rate that you are going to pay off. Make sure that you note down the extra amount that you will […]
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