Tag: credit cards

4 Different Loans to Consider When You Need Money
Money is a crucial aspect of our lives, and sometimes, we might find ourselves in need of some extra cash. Whether you want to invest in a new business or have a medical emergency, various loan options are available to you. However, finding the best type of loan that suits your needs can be a […]

Have Your Credit Card Bills Gotten Out of Hand? Ways You May Be Able to Negotiate
Credit card debt is a common problem that affects millions of people. While having a credit card can be a great way to finance important purchases, you also risk the chance of overspending. High-interest rates and additional fees can cause even a minor debt to spiral out of control and beyond your budget. If you’re […]

4 Tips for Prioritizing Your Monthly Payments When Creating a Budget
When it comes to achieving financial success, a budget is a necessity. A budget will categorize your priorities when it comes to using the money you make. Preparing before the income rolls in is key to making sure that you get ahead financially in the long run. Pay Down Your Debt Few priorities will pay […]

Credit Cards: The Different Types Available and Which One To Go For
India has around 40 million credit card users as of 2018. However, the number of debit card users still rules with more than 950 million holders. This lower number of credit card holders is mainly because of the common notion of high interest rates. However, the truth is that interest is only levied when you […]

5 Crucial Lessons Teens Can Learn About Credit Cards
Teaching your teens important lessons early on is important and this holds especially true for financial lessons. Teach your children about credit cards and good financial behavior before they learn half-baked information from their friends and the internet. Here are the 5 crucial lessons teens need to be taught about credit cards: Lesson #1: It’s […]

The ultimate guide to picking the best credit card
India has around 34 million credit card holders. Compared to the number of debit card holders which stands at approximately 826 million; this number is minuscule. Majority of the Indians believe that credit cards are a one-way ticket to getting neck deep in debt. Hence, the number of credit card holders even in 2018 remains […]

Money Management: 4 Personal Finance Tactics That Can Keep You Out of Debt
It’s never easy managing finances, but it’s one of the most important things you can ever learn how to do. It’s critical to manage your money wisely so you don’t end up with massive amounts of debt. Here are 4 personal finance tactics that can keep you out of debt. Don’t Spend Money Before You […]

Learning from Loans: 4 Credit Tricks for Young Adults
It can be complicated to understand how credit works. That’s especially true for young people who are just learning about their credit. After starting a career, most young adults turn their sights on financing a nice vehicle or saving for their first home. That can be difficult with no credit history, so the first thing […]

Paycheck Pitfalls: Steps to Build Better Money Habits
If you’re like many people, you know what it’s like to come up short on money a few times throughout the month. Running out of money on a monthly basis can make you feel poor, unprepared and vulnerable. If you’re familiar with the frustrating feeling associated with scrounging for change just before pay day, then […]
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