Tag: Craigslist

How You Can Turn Unwanted Items Found In Your Home Into Extra Cash
You likely have a lot of junk lying around the house that you’ve long considered throwing away. Don’t be so quick to trash these items. Many of them are worth something to other people even if you don’t personally value them. Below we take a look at some household items that are commonly under valued […]

5 Inevitable Steps for a Successful Yard Sale Campaign
Do you have a lot of stuff at home but no room to store it? Why not get rid of it and earn some money? Hosting a yard sale offer numerous advantages and also let you earn extra money. The only purpose to carry yard sale is to make the home de-cluttered and earn few […]

How to Avoid Online Scams
These days, protecting your personal information and avoiding online scams is an important part of financial prudence. While most internet users are savvy enough to realize that an email coming from a supposed Nigerian prince is probably too good to be true, today’s online scams are getting increasingly more devious — and even experienced users […]

5 Household Items you Can Sell for Quick Cash
When short on cash and needing money quickly, one of the best ways to earn a bit of income is by selling a few household items that may have not been used in quite some time or are no longer needed. Household items can sell up to thousands of dollars for a single item, making […]

How Internet Can Help You Play Golf on the Cheap
According to Golfsmith.com, the average cost of one round of golf is $36. If the course you’re playing on happens to be relatively new or if you’re golfing on a weekend, the cost will probably be higher than that. So, if you participate frequently, playing the game can really break the bank. However, there is […]
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