Tag: Compact fluorescent lamp

Save Your Business Utility Budget
Raising utility prices can hurt your business’ bottom line. You absolutely must find ways to save money in this category. You can make sure your business uses the utilities it must access wisely. By making physical changes to the business utility budget for the building and inspecting your company’s energy usage, you can save money […]

6 Simple Changes You Can Make at Home to Save Energy and Money
In the midst of a worldwide energy efficiency revolution, many different life changes have been popularly discussed in order to prevent and avoid unnecessary energy usage. Making a few, small changes in your own home is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and also keep some extra money in your pocket. These tips […]

Five Little Home Improvements to Save You Big Bucks
You want to make home improvements, but you don’t know where to start. You want and need something that’s easy, but effective. Most of all, you want to see immediate results in your bank account. That’s a tall order, but not impossible. You just have to look at the biggest money-wasters in your home, and […]

Slash Your Home Energy Bills
Do you feel depressed every time an energy bill arrives in the mail? If so, you’re not alone – it seems like the cost of energy is going up all the time and eating into everyone’s household budgets. In fact, the average American home spends about $107 a month on electricity alone, and that goes […]
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