Tag: Budgeting

How To Deal With Debt Going Into 2024
Not getting into debt is easier said than done for many people. Paying off debt is even more difficult because you don’t have enough money to pay for necessities and your debt. Being in debt can have a massive effect on your financial future and your mental health. However, there is some good news about […]

Tools of the Trade: What You Need to Take Responsibility for Your Finances
Managing your finances is an important part of life, but it can be daunting if you don’t know where to start. Fortunately, plenty of tools are available to help you take responsibility for your finances and make the most out of your money. Checking and Savings Accounts One of the first and most basic steps […]

How to Make Sure You Can Afford Your Mortgage Each Month
Many home mortgages take 20 or 30 years to repay. That’s a long time to worry about how you’ll find the money to afford your home. Don’t set yourself up for stress. Instead, follow these tips for keeping your monthly mortgage payment affordable. Build a Budget If you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck and […]

Monthly Money Management: 4 Mainstays for Families
Taking charge of money management finances can be difficult for many families. It’s something that you have to do, however. There’s honestly no getting around it. If you want to be able to handle your household finances well, then you need to put time into these pathways. You have no reason on earth to settle […]

Don’t Let Money Run Your Life
How Much Are You Spending & on What? Before you do anything else, it’s important to look at your finances and spending habits. How much are you spending, and on what? Whether you’re writing this down on paper or building a spreadsheet, make sure you account for the big expenses as well as the small. […]

How to Save up for a New Gun to Add to Your Arsenal
Owning a gun can give you a feeling of security that’s practically unrivaled. If you want to defend yourself and the people you love, then it may be time to invest in a brand new gun. Saving up for your big purchase doesn’t have to be something that feels like the end of the world, […]

Goals, Updates, and Alternatives—How to Make Sure 2019 is Budget-Friendly
Many of us are evaluating our lives and thinking about what we’d like to do differently in 2019. If you found yourself pinching pennies and struggling to make ends meet this last year, it’s a good idea to look ahead and make a financial plan that can help you find greater security in the new […]
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