Style Vs Practicality In The Workplace
It is a debate that has certainly stood the test of time, and many individuals are still undecided as to which side to be on. There are obviously various pros and cons to both the look of an office space and how well it functions from day to day. Some opt for one overthe other, while others implement a bit of both into their premises, but when it comes down to a simple A or B choice, which ideal is the favourite? Here we take a peek at some of the key problems and solutions to both theories to see which comes up on top for you.
All The Style
Many of us like things that look all pretty and new, and it can make all the difference when it comes to the vast expanse we call business. The way you choose to design your office could attract some extra traffic and gain you a good reputation. Many companies watch out for current trends and themes, and dress their space accordingly. This demonstrates to others that they are not only on the ball, but they are prepared to be more diverse. There are plenty of reputable design agencies in and around London and in other major UK cities.
The main downfall to all of this is that some concepts are not only completely impractical, but can occasionally become a bit of a hazard to all who go near it. Many high end designs don’t tend to cater to practicality as it is usually more about the look than the way it functions. For example, it is rather common to see plenty of glass in various top commercial companies, but glass generally isn’t very cheap to replace or fix. Not only that but items such as glass sculptures, if broken, can really hurt the public if not cleaned up quickly and sufficiently.
Perfect Practicality
This has always been a major aspect of most offices, and endlessly seems to please those who live by it religiously. Practicality in the workspace can make all the difference in terms of both the ergonomics and also in terms of the economics. Many basic designs are affordable for the masses, and are almost always easy to replace if damaged. Furthermore, decking out your office with practical furniture can help to ensure the well-being of your workers and your current customer base.
One of the most common problems amongst all this is that items that are specifically designed to be practical aren’t always the prettiest things to stare at. Having certain levels of comfort and control over a concept means you are likely to be more relaxed about the overall style. It is much more of an ‘it does what it needs to do’ mantra as opposed to an ‘overall champion’ mantra. What’s more, if your business space is not ‘dressed to dazzle’ then you could see potential clients turning their heads and sauntering off to a company with all the bells and whistles.
The End Result
If you can source products that can give you with the best of both worlds then by all means let loose, but if you would rather pick one option or the other you need to bare a few details in mind. One – are you seeking to catch the eye of new clientele? Two – what is the state of your budget, and can you afford to replace items as and when necessary? Three – are you bothered about keeping up to date with the latest fads? Stylish concepts are great for offices that run like clockwork and take on practical individuals who are more than aware of their surroundings. Practical designs are ideal for smaller, low budget businesses that receive regular work and like to keep their staff chipper. For more help and information of office design simply go online and have a good look around to see what you can discover.

Category: Business