Stay Fit on a Budget: Easy Yoga Poses for Adults
Do you want to stay fit without the costly gym membership? Try yoga! It is not just for the younger ones. Even if you are in your 50s or 60s, you can still perform this kind of exercise. And best of all, you can do this at home. Thus, no need to spend for membership and gas.
Originally, yoga is meant to help people achieve a specific goal – to attain permanent peace. Yoga is commonly known as a practice or discipline that combines mental, spiritual and physical states of the one performing it. Indeed, yoga is an ideal activity to do to be able to reap tranquility. However, many people who are doing yoga believe that yoga poses have beneficial effects to our health.
By simply executing yoga poses, they can help alleviate health related problems, correct bad posture and reduce stress. And because of this, many people include yoga in their exercise program or physical therapy routine. Yes, some poses are quite difficult to execute specifically for adults. But, there are poses that are suitable for seniors.
Here are easy poses that are right for you.
1. Staff Pose
What makes this particular pose perfect for adults? Well, one will never have to sweat much to be able to perform this pose. Yes, it is very simple; but it targets some of the most essential parts of our body. It can address the pains and aches at the back area, legs, hands and joints.
How to perform: Sit on the floor with your feet extended together in front of your torso. Be sure to sit straight pulling in your belly. Place your hands flat on the floor beside your hips with fingers pointing towards your toes. Press your thigh muscles down towards the floor while pointing your head’s crown to the ceiling to strengthen your spine. Flex your feet, pointing your toes to your body. Remain in this position for 20 to 30 seconds then relax.
2. Chair Pose
If you want to improve your heart’s function, chair pose is ideally suited for you. This pose is known to be perfect for the heart. It engages different parts of the body at once, and thus requiring the body to get more oxygen and heighten up blood flow. Keeping a healthy heart is vital for seniors.
How to perform: Stand straight with your feet together. Swing your hands from the side going up above your head with your palms (do not forget to inhale while doing this). Then, slowly bend your knees while exhaling. Make sure your torso and thighs create a right angle form – like you are going to sit on a chair. Stay on this position for a minute. Go back to standing position while inhaling.
3. Relaxation Pose
Among all the other yoga poses, relaxation pose is considered as the most essential one. Why is that? Surely, the statement “take a deep breath and relax” sounds very familiar. While doing this pose, you are able to relax your mind and body. Being in a tranquil state allows you to extricate yourself from anything inside your head (even just within a few minutes). Instead of thinking, you will just have to lay down and feel your body – at the end of your physical routine. Since relaxation pose helps adults fully relax, they can attain more energy to enjoy life.
How to perform: Place your yoga mat on the floor. Lie flat on the mat and rest your arms comfortably at the side your body with palms facing up. Extend your legs apart and relax them. Make sure your body is comfortable including your back. Use a blanket for support if needed. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Rest your body and mind in total relaxation, letting the sense of calmness and stillness stream down in every part of your body. Remain in this position for at least 15 minutes or for as long as you desire.
As compared to very active exercises, yoga is much more applicable to adults. It does not require much rapid movement, yet it can still help stay in-shape. If you are suffering from minor illness, check with your doctor if you can do these poses.
Indeed, there are many notable benefits you can enjoy from executing these yoga poses. This form of exercise can keep you in shape despite your age without letting you shell out certain amount of cash. No need to use gym equipment or pay for expensive gym instructor. Use the money you can save from these expenses to buy other necessities and medical devices, like Medical Guardian alert system. Perform these poses in the comfort of your own home.

Category: Exercise, Family Finances, Saving Money