Save the Environment – Cycling Your Way Through the City

| September 4, 2019


There are numerous advantages to cycling – starting from health, economic, social, transport, and environmental benefits.

In recent years, biking has become increasingly popular among people who consider themselves to be eco-conscious.

And although this is still a small number of people, especially looking from the global perspective, it’s a good indication that we’re slowly but surely waking up from the slumber that threatens to ruin our planet.

But there’s still so much left to be done in this regard. Unfortunately, there are still people all around us who are utterly oblivious to all these changes that our planet is going through.

Not to mention that they simply don’t know (or, even worse – don’t care) about all the benefits of cycling.

That’s why we have to do whatever is in our power to show them just how good biking can be for the environment (and them, as well).

Biking Doesn’t Need Fossil Fuel

One of the best things about cycling that concerns the environment is that biking doesn’t require fossil fuel.

Fossil fuel is one of the biggest threats to the environment that we have today.

As long as people use cars or other vehicles as their primary means of transport, our planet is inevitably going to suffer from the consequences. 

Biking Is a Pollution-Free Mode of Transport

Speaking of harming and putting in danger our environment by producing hazardous vehicle exhaust fumes, we should note that biking is a completely pollution-free mode of transport.

There are only a few other means of transportation that we can use that are as environment-friendly as bicycles are. 

And it’s not that people should stop using cars altogether to contribute to gas emission reductions.

Reportedly, if we substitute only two car trips per month with cycling trips, it would lead to a staggering 75% increase in biking trips.

That’s not that much, but it helps the environment significantly.

Biking Reduces the Need to Build, Service, and Dispose of Cars



The math here is rather simple: the less we use cars as our primary source of transport, we have more chances to use bicycles.

And the more we use bikes, the need to produce, service, and dispose of cars also decreases.

On top of this, it’s worth mentioning that there are numerous social benefits of biking.

While we’re on the subject of math, let’s show you another piece of statistics here: reports tell us that only 10% of the world population can afford a car, while it’s estimated that around 80% of people can afford a bike. 

Not to mention that you can get quicker by bike than by car to specific destinations that are in the 5 km range.

So, next time don’t make any excuses for why it’s better to use a car than a bike – cycling is a both quicker and more affordable option in many cases. And you still don’t own a bike.

We strongly suggest you choose a reliable brand like Bikes online, for instance.

That way, you’ll be sure you’re entirely maximizing your biking experience.

Bikes Do Less Damage to Road Surfaces Than Other Vehicles

Once you decide to hop onto your new favorite two-wheeler, you should also be aware of the fact that you’re doing less damage to road surfaces.

Bikes are so much lighter than cars or other vehicles and as a direct consequence of this our roads stay in better condition for more extended periods.

On top of this, it’s essential to note that we don’t have to spend too much of our valuable resources on bike paths and roads – at least not as much as we need for regular routes that cars and other vehicles use.

Because there are so many cars on our streets, we simply have to build more roads that are much bigger and wider than those that bikes need. 

Bike Paths are Significantly Less Expensive

It’s not just that we’re saving the environment by making fewer roads that are of regular width, but we’re also helping our economy.

For one regular car road, we can build multiple bike paths that connect all parts of the city.

This is another essential thing for persuading more and more people to opt for bikes instead of cars.

If a city doesn’t have enough bike paths or the infrastructure is non-existent, then the people who live there are less likely to use bikes as their number one transportation option.

Cycling Reduces Congestion

Many cities across the globe face troubles with traffic jams. This is another direct result of people using cars too much.

A great way to deal with traffic jams and to reduce congestion is to choose the bike as our go-to option.

It should be clear that biking is for everyone – whether you’re trying to get to work (if it’s within a reasonable, biking range), or you have to go to the school, or unicycling helps our environment, our cities, and our bodies, all at the same time.

Cycling Conserves Roadway and Residential Space



Not only that we don’t have to build as many roads for bikes, thus conserving roadways for other things, but we also protect residential space.

This is extremely important for two reasons. Number one, fewer roads means less cement, tar, and asphalt.

The more we use these materials, it’s worse for our environment. Number two, fewer roads can also mean more plants and parks in our cities.

Almost every city on our planet needs more trees and plants: these protect our environment (and us) better than anything.

More Bikes and Fewer Cars Equals Safer Environment

Fewer cars and other vehicles and more bikes are equal to fewer accidents. This is something that we all have to keep in mind, at all times.

When you think about just how many traffic accidents happen every second, and how many lives are in danger as a consequence of too many cars on our streets, you have to start thinking about if there’s a way to prevent these (often fatal) injuries.

So, the next time you think about using a car to get something done, we encourage you to think about using a bike instead.

That way you’re saving the environment and the people around you, as well.

But fewer traffic accidents also means spending less money on recovering from injuries, thus further taking care of the economy.

We should always strive to create a safer environment for all of us, and biking is undoubtedly one of the best modes of transport that enables this.

The Bottom Line

In recent years it has become more and more essential to go green.

The carbon footprint is hurting our environment badly, and we simply have to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our cities.

One way to effectively deal with these problems is by opting for bikes instead of cars. It’s especially important to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions during peak hours. 

With cycling as your number one mode of transport, you’re not only helping the environment, but you’re also improving your health.

Health professionals recommend at least half an hour a day of moderate-intensity activity each day, so why not listen to these recommendations and use a bike to save our planet at the same time? 

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