Save Money and The Environment with These Tricks

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The environment is not something we can take for granted. If humankind is not careful, it may end up being spoiled for future generations.
It’s important that everyone at all levels of society takes action to help protect the environment and to stop threats like pollution from destroying it.
Thankfully, doing your part doesn’t require spending a lot of money.
Instead, you can work to help save the environment and money at the same time. Below are just a few good suggestions.
Swap Out Your Old Incandescent Light Bulbs
Electricity is something that can add to the strain put on the environment due to all the resources that power companies must use to provide it to different markets.
If you want to lower your carbon footprint, try to find ways to lower the amount of electricity you use.
One trick is to swap out your incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs or CFLs for short.
CFLs use 25 to 80 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs. They also last much longer as well.
Due to lower utility bills and having to buy fewer bulbs over time, you are sure to save a lot of money.
Go on a Low Tech Local Vacation
Another way to save money and be more eco-conscious simultaneously is to rethink how you go on vacation this upcoming summer.
One thing that certainly harms the environment is all the carbon-based fuel that must be burned to allow passenger jets to fly across the country and cars to drive from coast to coast.
Instead, think of more local options that are also scaled back in regards to the resources they consume.
If you live in New York, an excellent choice would be New York camping spots like the Catskills, the Adirondacks, and the Hudson River Valley.
You won’t have to travel far, and camping will allow you to get back in touch with nature so you better appreciate all the environment has to offer.
Just make sure to properly recycle all your trash on your way out.
Unplug Every Device That Is Not In Use
What may surprise you is that many different appliances and devices in your home still use electricity when they are not turned on.
As long as they are plugged into an outlet, many of these devices remain in a standby mode that still consumes a lot of power even while they are switched off.
In certain cases, they use as much power as when they are turned on. These kinds of appliances and devices are sometimes called “energy vampires” as a result.
The biggest offenders include things like TVs, computers, satellite TV receivers, microwaves, video game consoles, answering machines, and air conditioners.
If you want to lower your electric bills and your carbon footprint at the same time, unplug every appliance and device in your home that is not currently in use. It will make a huge difference.
Switch to a Paperless Office
If you own a business, work in an office, or even just work from home, one option you should use for saving money and being more environmentally friendly is switching to a paperless office.
Every year, offices all across the world waste forests worth of paper. However, we no longer live in the pre-computer era.
Anything that can be done via a paper document can also be done via office software and computer files.
In most cases, the digital version of doing business is far superior. Think, for example, of the difference in the time it takes between having an e-mail received versus a paper letter.
You’ll be saving a lot of time and manpower. You’ll also be saving a lot of money in terms of paper, toner, ink, and the cost of owning and maintaining printers, fax machines, and copy machines.
A paperless office is simply more efficient and cost-effective.
There are many different ways to save money while also lowering your impact on the environment.
The tricks listed above are only a starting point. Overall, you need to be more conscious of how what you do leads to the depletion of resources or the release of pollution into the environment.
If you are more mindful of your impact, it isn’t that hard to make significant changes. Those changes could, in turn, save you a lot of money.
Category: Save Energy