Property or Stock Market – Which Investment Strategy is Right for you?

| September 23, 2013


There are different factors to consider when making a decision about whether to invest in property or the stock market and there is no right or wrong answer to the question. Each will have its own merits depending on your own circumstances and what will work best for you. Here are some things to consider before embarking on investing and working out which option would suit your needs best.


A property could be needing a lot more maintenance and hands on than an investment in the stock market, depending on how you go about doing it. If you are a person who has a lot of time on their hands and would like to really get involved in your investment then a property is better than stocks as it will give you the opportunity to see your investment grow, and be a part of its growth. However, you could also have someone else manage your property and leave it in their capable hands which will mean that you do not have much to do with it.

Managing Portfolio

Managing your portfolio, whether you decide to go into property investment or stock market can be done by someone else that knows what they are doing, and you don’t need to be involved at all if that is what would work best for you. If you are open to learning the ins and outs of the market, either in property or stocks and shares you may be able to make a great return on your investment and enjoy the opportunity to have a hands on role with your planning for the future. If you are planning to manage it yourself there are many opportunities for involving an investment consultant and gaining important advice about how to go about achieving your investment goals. Trusted investment consultants such as Meredon Consulting can utilise their many years of experience to get you the best bang for your buck!

Economic Growth

During the most recent economic down turn it was the stock market that fared better for investors than the property market, so this is something to consider when making this big investment choice in your life. While you cannot plan ahead, or know that anything is a sure thing, seeking advice about where to invest will assist you in making the right decision.

Future Planning

Planning for the future and being realistic about what you can expect from yourself is an important thing to consider. If you decide to go for a property investment portfolio and plan to manage it yourself there are lots of things to consider, including whether you will be able to continue managing it in the event of ill-health or other personal situations that may arise. In the case of ill-health a stock market portfolio may be a better option because it does not require you to invest your time in the upkeep and maintenance of a home.


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