Preparing For Road Trips: What To Do and What To Bring
One of the simple joys of life is to just jump into a car with friends and go out of town. Road trips are a great way to relax, unwind, and be with the people most important to you. With road trips, your possibilities are endless: there are cities, towns, and villages worth visiting. The rule of thumb is, the farther and more exotic the place, the better!
When planning for road trips, it pays to be prepared. After all, you’re going to give up the comforts of home with only your car as your weapon. You have to make sure that your car is in top shape. Before leaving, make sure that the oil, transmission, brakes, steering, spare wheels are okay. For emergencies, it is a good idea to bring a tyre changing kit, first aid kit, toiletries, flashlights, duct tape, electrical tape, and cables. There are cable manufacturers that can provide cables for motoring use. For good measure, take your car to a mechanic for some maintenance work.
Besides your car, a map is going to be your best friend. You can opt for the traditional printed map, or a digital one if you are more tech-minded. Travel apps are also helpful and can help you locate hotels, gas stations, and other points of interest. However, there is also a sense of fun in just finding your way on your own, savoring the view without a robotic voice telling you to turn left in one mile. Who knows, you might find something interesting by taking that wrong turn!
Once your car has been fine-tuned and packed with the essentials, you can make room for fun. Bring food, games, and lots of stories! It’s going to be a long drive, and Ralph Waldo Emerson was clearly on a road trip when he said: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Make the drive even more interesting by having a playlist filled with music everyone in the car enjoys.
If you’re the driver, take extra precaution because you are responsible for the lives of those in the car. As the designated driver, you have to stay focused on the road. Watch your driving speed and trade places if you feel sleepy. Driving while sleepy is a major cause of road accidents. It also pays to study the map ahead so you don’t have to fumble with a printout or your smartphone while driving. Read these road trip tips to stay safe.
Road trips are only half the fun, since the other half will be at the destination. Maximize the first half by playing classic games like I Spy, sing-alongs, or even truth or dare. Make pit stops at gas stations and try the local fare. Fries and pies are supposedly good at truck stops.
But most importantly, road trips are for bonding and rekindling friendships. Use the time to open up about yourselves, share your dreams and fears, and just be yourself. Because if these guys can stand the real you in a cramped, tight space for 12 hours straight, maybe they’re the friends worth keeping for life.

Category: Family Finances, Vacation