Investing Opportunities Exist in Bioengineering
The economic downturn of 2008 still has lingering effects on numerous individuals who have been invested in the financial markets as well as those who have yet to get into investing. Job losses hit a record high. Housing markets sunk to all-time lows. Trusted companies shut down operations, downsized, or received a government bail out. Beleaguered bond markets with low rates of return and fallen equity prices have been the result of the most recent recession in the United States along with limited consumer confidence in the overall economic state of the nation. Needless to say, the economic whirlwind that took the national and global economies by storm just a few years ago is beginning to show signs of a turnaround. Now would be an opportune time to reconsider investing in the markets once again.
While investing still remains somewhat of a mystery to some people, it does not mean that potential investors have to sit by on the sidelines as the market recovers and various sectors of the market explode with unprecedented growth. The economic recession revealed some glaring inconsistencies within the financial management of some big firms and major bank industry leaders, but the multitude of wealth management firms and hedge fund managers have weathered the storm. For many potential investors, what it really boils down to finding financial advice that they can trust such as the trusted advice of a qualified and certified financial advisor or investing with a winning hedge fund management firm.
To weed out some of the uncertainty involved in investing, those who are in the market to invest for the first time or once again might want to explore the experience of generating wealth through a variety of investment vehicles beyond their company’s 401(k) or other retirement plan. Some of these vehicles include stock and bond mutual funds, wealth management accounts, exchange traded funds and hedge funds.
One example of a lucrative investment opportunity available to investors today would have to be the major shift in the market where growth has taken place within the biotechnology market sector. The biotechnology sector includes companies on the cutting edge of innovation in the areas of bioengineering, gene therapy, bioengineering and genomic research and testing. In the simplest of terms, biotechnology is defined as the usage of scientific processes and technological innovation based on biology. Discoveries in this market sector include treatments, therapies and pharmaceutical drugs that have led to changes in the health industry and technology field.
For instance, biotechnology investor Lindsay Rosenwald co-founded Opus Point Partners a health care hedge fund in 2008, an industry leading hedge fund that identifies a diversified array of biotechnology investments. With his over two decades of experience as a health care firm leader, Dr. Rosenwald identifies revolutionary research firms that are in the midst of developing and marketing the industry’s leading drugs with the potential for a high global impact. Known as both a strategist and a physician, Dr. Rosenwald has been highly engaged in identifying firms developing leukemia treatment, cancer drugs, and therapies for rheumatoid arthritis and influenza.
Investing in the post-recession era will take investors in new directions and beyond previous horizons. With firms like Opus Point Partners, investors could get the advanced research needed to invest in the growing biotechnology sector of the market.