Incredible Money-Saving Ideas When Redecorating Your Home

| June 12, 2016

redecorating your home
When you have been in your home for a while, it’s always good to spice it up with a change of décor. We have the perfect image in our minds of what we want our homes to look like, and we are never satisfied.

Based on a recent survey, 98% of homeowners don’t have the look that they wanted from their home. It can be incredibly frustrating for homeowners who want their homes to be the perfect image in their mind, but it doesn’t seem to quite come together.

Homeowners want to change the perception of their home, and completely start the process over. However, there is a large chunk of those homebuyer’s who want to do that, that simply can’t afford it.


How to Decorate When You’re Starting Out or Starting Over

No need to feel overwhelmed. Our step-by-step decorating guide can help you put together a home look you’ll love.


It’s incredibly frustrating to see that an average household is over $130,000 in debt, and your home can be a major part of that debt. It also can be incredibly time consuming and expensive to completely start the renovation process again, let alone creating more debt.

However, you can change the aura of your home by making slight budget-weary changes that can create the perfect look to your home.

1. DIY Done Right

redecorating your homeCreating an interior design that you can be proud of may be as simple as doing it yourself. Creating pieces of furniture that you could use in your everyday life can be extremely beneficial for the environment and your wallet.

A great example is using recycled timber to create some beautiful and unique pieces that could fit with the mood you’ve created in your home.

A breakfast bar is a great way to create a useable piece of furniture that can be an easy addition to your kitchen. Creating a bar made out of recycled timber really shows a continuous journey within the wood itself, and the craftsmanship that went into it.

The different patterns of each individual piece of wood can tell a story and can continue on in your home. Pieces like this can be incredibly expensive in retail furniture stores, but are incredibly easy to create.

All you need to do is purchase tools. Tools such as cordless screwdrivers and heavy duty hammers can really put all your skills to use, and create some amazing DIY pieces for your home.

2. A New Artistic Point of View

redecorating your homeCreating personality in the room doesn’t have to be completely dramatic. Sure, if you need a new lounge suite, go get one but don’t do it to redecorate.

9 times out of 10, your original furniture and decor choices are most likely the right decisions. It’s just about bringing it all together and having symmetry in your home, and paintings are a great way to do that.

Painting prints can be a great focal point to the room, and bring in all the colours in the different pieces together to create fluidity into your room. The only issue with purchasing high-quality painting prints is that the can cost a pretty penny.

That can be more expensive to purchase than that lounge suite I told you not to purchase.

However, you can purchase high quality poster prints and canvas prints that are perfect for your home. They are usually quite inexpensive to purchase, and show the colours of the image remarkably well.


5 Rookie Mistakes When Redecorating Your Space

Mar 15, 2016 Here’s a few prevalent things to look out for when you’re redecorating your home to make sure you’re not making the same mistakes as so …


Continue with the DIY approach, and create your own frame, using the tools you have at home. The frame doesn’t have to be made from dark bamboo or anything fancy. Just create a quality frame that will tie in well with your home.

These decorative ideas that I have presented can really change the look and perception of your home. Using your DIY knowledge and the tools you have lying around the house, you can create a completely different feel to your home without spending a fortune.

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Category: Home Renovation

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