How You Can Turn Unwanted Items Found In Your Home Into Extra Cash
You likely have a lot of junk lying around the house that you’ve long considered throwing away. Don’t be so quick to trash these items. Many of them are worth something to other people even if you don’t personally value them. Below we take a look at some household items that are commonly under valued and explain how you can cash in on them.
If you have old electronics like laptops, video games, televisions or computer monitors, don’t take them to the junk yard. Not only will they will leak toxic chemicals into the ground, but they also have value. As long as the items are halfway functional, you can sell them on websites like Craigslist or eBay. Look for other websites that specialize in used electronics such as Cash In Your Gadgets, Gumtree or any local Internet forums that get heavy traffic of potential buyers. Even if you feel your computer is basically useless or broken, there are people who are interested in buying them so they can fix them up themselves.
Jewelry can be flipped to pawn shops with ease. Everyone loves pretty, shiny necklaces, bracelets, rings, lockets and earrings. Pay a few visits to your local pawn shops and get some quotes. Selling your jewelry is a fast way to get a good value for your unwanted accessories, says professionals at pawn shops in northern Virginia. You might be surprised at how much your old jewelry is worth.
Many people have old books that they either trash or donate to libraries. This is a mistake. Plenty of used book stores will buy your old books. They might not offer much but if you have a couple dozen books, the money will add up quickly. Or, sell the old books on web auction sites like eBay or Amazon. You can typically get a lot more money for textbooks or books used by college or high school students, even if it is an outdated version.
Old clothes should never be thrown out. If you don’t want to donate them to charity, take them to a Clothes Horse style store where second hand clothing is bought and sold. Or, attempt to sell them at a garage sale or on eBay. If they don’t sell right away, try to bundle clothes together based on the target demographic such as infant clothes, children’s clothes or men’s luxury apparel.
Music and Movies
Most people have outdated music CDs and movie DVDs. There is still a market for these used items at local used media stores, garage sales, Craigslist, eBay and Music Magpie. Some of these sites will provide a fixed price for each CD or DVD after you enter the barcode. Just like with clothing, you can bundle alike movie genres to better your chances of selling all your DVDs.
Sporting Goods
Used sports equipment can be sold at local used sporting goods stores like Play It Again Sports. Sometimes, if the equipment has significant value and is lightly used, it will generate interest on eBay or Craigslist. Or, post some sales advertisements at local sporting complexes to find potential buyers. Sports equipment for children and teenagers is becoming more popular as kids try different sports and join local teams. Moms often don’t want to spend money on expensive, brand new equipment they are sure will be used for long.
The old saying rings true: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Regardless of what you own, there is likely someone out there who will buy it from you. Savvy buyers understand that it is more economically viable to buy used items instead of new ones. So, put for the effort and take the initiative to find these buyers.

Category: Family Finances, Personal Finance, Saving Money, Work at Home