How to Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Summer

Energy Bills
Summertime is a favorite time of year for many people. Beautiful weather and plenty of relaxing days lend themselves to likability. Along with those gorgeous days, though, often come higher energy bills.
Fortunately, that does not need to be the case. There are ways of slashing those costs so that high energy bills don’t cause summertime stress.
Reducing summertime energy bills is more than just a win financially. As the EPA points out, it has the potential added bonus of reducing pollution as well.
Energy-Efficient Products
Among the things that the EPA suggests, is to purchase energy-efficient products and equipment. This can be done by looking for the Energy Star label on products when making a purchase.
For cool savings on summertime energy bills, that means looking especially for Energy Star certified air conditioners.
Regular Maintenance
Of course, purchasing good equipment is only part of the picture. In order for it to be most energy-efficient, it has to be in good working order.
This means doing things such as having air conditioners and heating filters cleaned or replaced on a regular basis.
It also means getting an expert to service air conditioners and other appliances routinely; it is suggested, for instance, that HVAC equipment be serviced on a yearly basis to make sure that it is operating optimally.
This can not only keep energy bills down, but it may also help extend the life of the equipment.
Good insulation is another important step in keeping the home comfortable and energy bills not painful. This has year-round benefits, too.
It helps keep cool air in during the summer and cold air out during the winter– keeping the home’s inhabitants comfortable no matter the season.
As an extension of focusing on insulation, there is the proper use of doors and window shades. Doors and windows should be kept closed, and window shades should be used as appropriate.
That means opening them to capture the heat on cold winter days and closing them on summer days to help shut out the scorching sunlight.
Lower Water Temperature
Another suggestion is to lower the water temperature. By turning down the water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, you will slash water heating costs by 6-10 percent. Plus, the lower temperature setting reduces the risk of burns.
These are but a few steps that can be taken to help slash energy costs. By doing these and other small steps, staying cool throughout the summer doesn’t mean having to endure high energy bills.
Category: Save Energy