How to Save Money on Heating and Cooling Costs at Home

Save Money on Heating and Cooling
Your HVAC system uses more energy than your washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher combined. However, you do not have to spend a fortune on heating and cooling costs.
There are several ways that you can save money on your heating and cooling.
Have the Leaks Sealed
It is estimated that 38 percent of the air in your home is lost through doors, windows, and ductwork.
You can keep the heated or cooled air inside of your home by sealing the leaks. You can use weather-stripping to seal leaks around your windows, doors, and ducts.
If you already have weather-stripping, then you will need to replace it if the air is escaping from your home.
Talk with an HVAC Contractor
It is a good idea to talk with an HVAC contractor because they can give you tips that will help you save on heating and cooling costs.
They can perform maintenance, which will allow your unit to work more efficiently. They can also tell you when it is time for you to replace your unit.
Replace Your Air Filter
You can probably take care of the basic HVAC maintenance yourself. Changing the air filter is an example of basic HVAC maintenance.
HVAC air filters typically need to be changed every one to three months.
Consult with the owner’s manual if you are unsure about how often you will need to change your air filter.
Use Your Ceiling Fan
You won’t have to rely on your HVAC system as much if you use a ceiling fan. You can use a ceiling fan to heat and cool a room.
f the blades turn counterclockwise, then they will push down the cool air. The blades push down warm air when they turn clockwise.
Install a Programmable Thermostat
The temperature you set your HVAC at is one of the things that will determine how much money you spend on your heating and cooling costs.
You can use a programmable thermostat, which will automatically adjust the temperature based on the settings you choose.
Heating and cooling costs do not have to put a hole in your wallet. You can save money by having the air leaks sealed.
You will also need to talk with a HVAC contractor and replace your air filter on a regular basis. Additionally, you can use a ceiling fan and install a programmable thermostat to save money on heating and cooling.
Category: Home Repair