How to Remain Cool When You’re AC Unit Breaks Down
When the summer temperatures finally arrive, we all rush to turn our air conditioning systems on full blast. The cool air feels fantastic especially when the temperatures reach the three digit numbers. It is usually around this time that an air conditioning system can break down. When a unit stops working, it can wreak havoc on your home, causing everyone to become irritated and uncomfortable. It can be very hard to keep your cool when the AC unit is on the fritz. However it is best to keep your cool and find other ways to keep cool until your unit can be repaired.
Keeping cool can be hard while waiting on a technician to arrive. However, to remain sane it is best try a few simple steps to remain calm and cool. Below are tips to help you stay cool until your air conditioning system is back in action.
Contact Repair Technician
The first step you will need to take is to contact a repair man. Call your service provider immediately so that you can have a technician comes to your home as quickly as possible. The summer is a very busy season so you want to be sure that you are not waiting hours on end to have your unit repaired. It is best to work with a company that provides 24 hour emergency service so no matter what time your unit breaks down you will have someone available to help you get back on track. Many HVAC companies also provide service plans which will make you the customer, a top priority. This will ensure that no matter how busy the company is, you will be a top priority and have your unit repaired quickly.
Use Your Windows
Another option you have as you wait is to use your windows effectively. During the day time hours it is best to cover the windows. By covering the windows, you will be clocking the sun from reaching inside the home, especially during the hottest time of day. During the night time hours, you can use fans and place them inside the windows and use the cooler air outside to help remove the heat from the home. This is a great option to allow you to stay comfortable while waiting for the AC unit to be repaired.
Control your body
While you are waiting for the cool air to return, take the time to care for yourself. You do not want to become too uncomfortable or suffer. Be sure to wear light clothing so you can remain comfortable without cool air. Drink cool beverages and eat cool foods to keep your body temperature down. When the temperatures are warm, your body temperature can rise, making you feel sick and uncomfortable.
Taking these steps will ensure that you remain cool while your unit is being repaired. Follow these steps and you will have no trouble waiting for your unit to be repaired.
Robert Cannon is a professional guest blogger, he loves to write articles related to home improvement. Robert researched and written this article with the help of Amber Air Conditioning.

Category: Home Repair
It can suck to have your A/C unit crash out in the summer time. We have a window A/C unit in our room to keep really cool at night. If our unit did die, we could go up there until we have our unit repaired.
That’s what we all need, a back-up.