How to Keep Your Employees Happy and Productive
You’ve got a group of employees who give you 110% each day on the job; you should do everything within your power to keep their job satisfaction at its optimum level and the staff motivated to do their best every day. How can you encourage your employees to remain loyal to your company and to keep their levels of production high? Besides offering excellent pay and benefits, your employees will respond favourably to the following techniques listed below that you can use to help them continue to love their jobs.
Address Their Emotional Needs
Each of your employees needs to feel special and as if they are an important part of your company. You’ll want to treat them with respect and dignity in all of your dealings with them and make them feel like their work has true meaning and value to your enterprise. Your employees want to do the best job that they can do, they want to continually improve their skills and talents, and they want to grow personally. If you can help them to achieve these goals, they will be more than willing to help you achieve your corporate goals as well.
Let Them Know That You Appreciate Them
It’s very important that you let your staff know that you appreciate their hard work and efforts; by expressing your appreciation, you’re reinforcing their behaviour and encouraging them to keep up the good work. These rewards can be given with little cost to you; many times just a pat on the back and some kind words will do a great deal to motivate your employees. Always take time to get out on your production floor or stop by the back office to express your gratitude for a job well done.
Small Gifts Mean a Lot
You can also express your gratitude for good work by small gifts accompanied with a handwritten note from you. Whether it’s their favourite CD, a basket of fruit, or a ticket to a sporting event, you’ll improve the attitude of your employees and promote good cheer within your company with these types of small gifts. If you know that an employee is having a hard time or has extenuating circumstances at home, a gift certificate or other meaningful gesture can help to alleviate their stress and feelings of being overwhelmed.
Ask for Their Input
Should a situation arise in your business for which you struggle with finding a solution, it might help if you ask employees for their input. Those who work on the front lines of production appreciate being asked for their advice on a problem that really impacts everyone in the company. You can ask for written ideas or make an appearance in the break room on or the production floor to gather with employees to seek a viable solution for the problem at hand.
Celebrate Achievements
Everyone loves a party so you should consider a year-end party to celebrate the achievements that your company made during the last year. You can use a caterer to provide the food, a corporate entertainment professional to book your band or tribute act, and gather with your staff to reward them for a bountiful year of production. Parties do a great deal to encourage employees to always give their best and to remain loyal to your company.
From small gifts and kind words to corporate entertainment that engages them for an evening of fun your staff will be motivated and encouraged with the special attention you pay to them and events that you hold for them.

Category: Business