How Sharing Could Save You Money And Keep The Economy Going

| November 14, 2013

SAVE BY SHARING – NARA – 515337 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No matter how much we might consider the actions of our conservative-led government to be in direct conflict with societal progress, starting an all out revolution probably isn’t the best idea for many reasons. Like it or not, we do have a high level of physical security in the UK at the moment, meaning that most people feel relatively comfortable in their own homes, and on top of this, we are in fact living well above the breadline. This is why it’s vitally important that we all do our bit to ensure the economy avoids total collapse, and as the famous advertising campaign says “every little helps”.

It should come as no surprise then, that thousands of residents are beginning to take action – albeit on a small scale – in an attempt to save money whilst also helping their brothers and sisters. A new campaign has recently been set up in London encouraging people to share with others more often, and after reading through their website, I’m convinced this is the way forward. So, if you’re interested in participating and learning about exactly what you could do to help, read through the rest of this article and I’ll do my best to explain. Of course, anyone with serious funds should get in touch with reputable advice services like Westminster Wealth, but there’s still a lot you can do on your own.

Sharing Your Car

As many of us will travel in the same direction as other people when going to and from work, sharing your car and offering lifts to friends, co-workers or even complete strangers and having them return the favour could be a great way of saving some extra cash. Also, there are many people who simply can’t get suitable jobs because they live too far away from the employers and have no means of transport themselves. So, if you really want to help the economy, offer to take them to work!

Sharing With Neighbors

20 or 30 years ago, you’d have known the names of every single person who lives near to your home, but sadly, this has changed drastically in recent times – so sort it out. Is there really any need for all of you to buy lawnmowers or tools for DIY jobs when the person who lives next door has all the items you need? Likewise, should you really buy new designer clothing when the lady across the road is throwing out never before worn items because she’s lost a little bit of weight and they no longer fit?

Sharing Your Skills

Let’s presume you’re a fully qualified electrician or plumber, you live on your own and hate cooking. A few doors down is a single mother who really enjoys making tasty meals, but who can’t do so at the moment because her sink is blocked and her oven won’t work. She can’t afford to get the items fixed, and you’d like a good meal every once in a while – can you tell where I’m going with this? You should try helping each other out.

So you should get the idea by now. Basically, we all need to be a little nicer to each other and assist our neighbours, friends, colleagues and fellow UK residents in any reasonable way we can. The future does look bleak, but it will be a hell of a lot worse if we don’t cooperate with each other.


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Category: Family Finances, Saving Money

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