How Guarantor Loans can help with Debt Management

| August 5, 2013

SecondMortgageDebt and a poor credit rating can prove to be a millstone around the neck of anyone who is affected by these problems and once in place can prove to be very difficult to remove. It is therefore essential that an effective plan is constructed to ensure that a positive way forward can be established.

Reduced Worry

Whether you have a moderate amount of debt or a more sizable sum, the constant strain of worrying about your monthly outgoings can quickly make life miserable. If you find yourself in a position where you are struggling to maintain repayments on your personal loans, credit cards or any other kind of financial commitment, it may be prudent to consider the benefits of working to a debt management plan. By using a form of debt management strategy, you will find that you can be relieved from much of this pressure, whilst feeling that you have taken back some of the control of your life.

Significant debt requires a long term solution rather than a short term fix and one option which may offer one of the more effective debt management strategies can be using a guarantor loan. Guarantor loans are specialist bad credit loans designed for those who have been unable to gain finance via their mainstream lender. Because it is a personal loan, it can prove to be absolutely ideal for a variety of uses including debt consolidation. Calculating your total outstanding balances will give you a good idea of the loan amount you require. Using this loan to pay off all outstanding balances will not only take a big weight off your shoulders but it will also organise your finances into one easy-to-manage monthly repayment.

Improved Credit Rating

One of the many fundamental problems of having a bad credit rating is that it is crucial that you find a way to improve it. This can often become a Catch 22 situation because if you cannot obtain a loan from which you will be able to demonstrate your ability to make regular repayments, how will you ever be able to ensure that your credit rating recovers? It is situations such as this one for which guarantor loans are ideal.

When you have a bad credit rating, financial institutions might often deny you a loan as you are too much of a risk for the lender. Guarantor loans work by involving a third party who will guarantee to make repayments on behalf of the borrower should they fail to do so, therefore circumnavigating this potential problem.

Providing that the borrower continues to make the repayments on time, their credit rating will improve accordingly. It is not uncommon for people to raise their personal credit score (the three digit number that banks use to quickly rate a potential borrower) substantially through the use of guarantor loans.

Therefore for many borrowers faced with mounting debt and a poor credit rating, taking advantage of the benefits of a guarantor loan can prove to offer some genuine light at the end of the tunnel.

Bio – Amanda Gillam

I am a freelance writer who currently works for a finance company called Solution Loans. I hold a degree in financial management and I write regarding many different topics including finance, transport, travel, sport and business.


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Category: Debt, Loans

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  1. Libby Rogers says:

    Wow, great suggestions you have put here! Actually, I didn’t have any idea about how to improve my credit score? But by reading your article, I am able to get right solution for my all financial problem. Now, I definitely go for guarantor loans UK as they help me financially and also improve my credit score. Thanks once again, Amanda!