Having Financial Troubles? Save Money and Reduce Debt

| March 8, 2015

Five Budget-Friendly Tricks to Ensure You Have A Prepared HouseholdPeople need to save money because the future is unpredictable. Since it is not possible to be aware of exactly how much money will be required for the future, money savings are essential.

Emergency situations can arise at any time and these can range from car repairs to losing income.

Emergency Funding

The only way to effectively handle such situations is by having money that has been set aside to avoid increasing debt that will cater for emergencies.

Ideally, everyone hopes to retire eventually and savings will be required since income will no longer be earned through employment or business. Without adequate savings people become vulnerable to numerous financial risks.

33 Proven Ways to Reduce Personal Debt

As I write this, over the past three years, we have paid off $66000.00 in personal debt. No magic, no quick fixes, no debt consolidation, or bankruptcy filing.

Not being able to afford emergency expenses, such as unforeseen medical expenses, would make it necessary to depend on loans. Such borrowing can be prevented by ensuring that there are enough savings that can cover unexpected costs.

Take Control of your Finances

Taking control of your finances will enable you to comprehend how your money flows. Knowing what is going on with your money will make it possible for you to make informed choices.

If you do not understand your personal financial situation, you will not be in a position to save enough money. Aside from your basic expenses, you will end up spending any money left on impulse purchases and luxuries.

Although you may enjoy your purchases and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, reckless spending can result in serious financial problems for you in the future.

5 Steps to Reduce Your Debt: DIY Debt Reduction | Credit.com

Oct 17, 2013 The Credit.com Experts explore the tricks of the trade and the fastest ways to reduce your debts on your own. Read this for the best debt …

You need to be aware of how important it is to place your money savings in an account that will earn you the highest interest rates possible.

Personal Finance Management to Prevent Debt

Proper management of your finances will help you avoid the debt problems that many people struggle with on a daily basis.

  • Be strategic in the way that you plan your finances to ensure that you are able to get rid of debt and grow your money. It is possible for you to pay off your debts and still be able to save money for a secure future.
  • Emergency savings funds are vital for anyone who values financial security and being able to make payments without taking loans that create more debt. If you need to use your savings to help you pay off your debts, remember to list your priorities. Read more here.
  • Expensive debts need to be cleared first after establishing whether or not the interest rates can be lowered for debt relief.
  • Evaluate how manageable your debts are and calculate their levels to find out exactly how deep in debt you are. You can choose to use some of your savings to help you pay your debts and cut down on the costs involved. Carry out a thorough assessment of your spending habits and how much income you earn.

Create a list of all the sources of your income. You also need to list down your monthly expenses as well as those that are not fixed.

This helps you keep up with how you spend and ensures that you can pay your bills. Maintaining budgets will make it easier for you to save money and avoid debt.


Fiona Marshall is an author who has written various books on personal finance. Find out more about saving money and debt relief here.

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  1. Andy Brown says:

    Thank you for sharing an interesting post on getting out of financial troubles. Most of us are thinking of debt settlement, instead of one can be proactive by saving money and reducing expenses. Excellent points mention about credit card debt is that it is like this gift that keeps on giving and the more debt you have the more debt you will have. Many of them will have question in mind about this. Most of the points you have discussed are nicely explained. Many thanks for covering all the points in article having financial troubles, save money and reduce expenses.

  2. Sujain Thomas says:

    Debts are always responsible for the financial problems so that it is necessary to reduce the debts while suffering from financial troubles. To overcome these problems, debt settlement is the finest option to choose. Debt settlement will reduce the multiple debts and helps you for saving money. Your article has several things which point towards the option of debt settlement which is most relaxing procedure to cover the expenses and save money. Personal finance is also one option to settle down this all but I do not think this option is more reliable than debt settlement. One can go with personal finance but as a debtor this option is not suitable for me.