Financial Survival: Four Steps to Rebuilding Your Nest Egg

| September 25, 2013

Financial Survival Four Steps to Rebuilding Your Nest Egg

It can take a long time to build an initial nest egg for retirement or the purchase of a home. Volatile markets, medical emergencies and debt can wipe away a nest egg in a much shorter amount of time. It is important to start rebuilding lost savings as soon as possible. Four steps will help anyone to rebuild a nest egg.

Bring In More Income

One way to start rebuilding a nest egg is to bring in more income. Some ways to do this include taking a second job, renting out space in a home or selling items that are no longer needed. The additional income should be directed towards savings and reducing any existing debt. It should not be used for daily expenses. It is important to try to find a consistent additional income stream.

Minimize Spending

Unnecessary spending will make it difficult or impossible to start rebuilding a nest egg. The household should follow a tight budget that cuts out all extra expenses. These can be added back in slowly as the nest egg grows. Unnecessary spending could be landscaping services, expensive cable bills or costly hobbies. By sitting down and creating a budget you will be able to pinpoint which areas you can cut down on and start saving. Cutting these items out of a budget will make it possible to increase the amount in the nest egg by a significant amount every month.

Actively Manage Investments

Investments in the stock market are the reason why some people lost a nest egg initially. Investing remains one of the most effective ways to rebuild a nest egg. Any money placed into investments should be actively managed. This means reviewing the performance of a portfolio regularly and staying informed about news and market conditions. Active management should also include shifting to less risky investments if problems seem imminent. There can also be several accounting forms that can be found at that will help you out during your financial positioning. Ultimately each investment needs to be looked at as a long term process and not a way to “get rich quick” keeping that in mind when managing those investments will give you a big picture to look at and you will be able to realize your financial goals.

Consider Bankruptcy

Households that have lost a nest egg and that are dealing with large amounts of debt might want to consider bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can provide a fresh start where saving is possible again. Anyone wondering how to file for bankruptcy should understand it is a legal process. It largely involves collecting financial documents and filling out paperwork. Bankruptcy can structure debt or even discharge debts that cannot be reasonably repaid.

Rebuilding a nest egg requires discipline and patience. Nest eggs are very important especially when they are intended for retirement. One way to help protect a nest egg is to set some money aside as emergency savings. An emergency fund will make it unnecessary to touch the nest egg when handling unexpected expenses.

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