Does Auto Insurance Cover Rock Chips?

Auto Insurance
Whether you are driving around in a city or in a rural area, you almost always have other vehicles in front of you on the road.
Unfortunately, this can lead to various types of debris and other objects being tossed around by the other vehicle’s tires and striking your windshield.
While most of the time no damage takes place, all it takes is a few rock chips hitting your windshield with the right amount of force to leave you with a chipped windshield.
If you have this problem and now wonder if your car insurance will pay for the damage, here’s what you should know.
Comprehensive Coverage is Required
To have the damage from rock chips covered by your insurance, most companies require that you already have comprehensive coverage in place prior to the accident.
Before you file a claim, it’s a good idea to check out the deductible associated with your coverage.
If the damage to your windshield is minor, you’ll need to decide if paying the deductible will be worth it in order to get your insurer to cover the rest of the repair bill.
What Repairs Will be Needed?
When rock chips strike your windshield or other parts of your car, different types of damage may occur.
As a result, you could need anything from a windshield replacement or dent removal to a new paint job or fender replacement.
Usually, the larger the vehicle that kicks up rock chips, the more serious damage your car will suffer.
Filing Your Claim
Once you prepare to file a claim with your auto insurance company, you’ll need very specific information to ensure the repair costs will be covered.
This includes the date of the accident, its location, and exactly the types of damage your vehicle suffered from the rock chips.
If you have your smartphone with you, use it to take photos of the damage, since this will help an insurance adjuster approve your claim much quicker.
Who Repairs Your Vehicle?
When your vehicle suffers rock chip damage, you’ll need to decide where to get the damage repaired.
If you decide to use an auto body shop, collision shop, or auto glass shop that works directly with your insurance company, you’ll likely experience fewer problems in getting your claim approved and your car back on the road.
An annoying problem that seems to always arise at the most inconvenient times, rock chip damage can turn a morning commute or weekend excursion into a headache.
However, by having the proper coverage and working with your insurance company, your vehicle can be back on the road in no time.
Category: Car Insurance