Daily Home Workout Routines – Choose The Best & Right Workout Plan For You!
Not everyone has the time to go to the gym. Gym commutes are time consuming; and are sometimes draining during rush hours. Depending upon your gym’s facilities and bolt on services, membership sometimes may cost a quarter of your monthly basic pay. Many people are opting to go for “home-based” work outs nowadays. You only need to have a pair of dumbbells and an exercise mat and you’re ready to roll.
There is always an air of freedom when you exercise at home; no more noisy gym mates, no more waiting in line for your turn , no more sharing of shower and locker rooms and most importantly: no more sharing of germs from other people who don’t wipe off equipment after use.
Home-based workout plans should be done with strict regularity. Your home is your comfort zone where you find relaxation; hence, it is so difficult to get pumped up prior to working out. To ward off sluggishness before you exercise, I suggest you get dance workout videos. Dancing along will not only pump you up, it will also serve as the “Cardio” part in your home workout plan.
You can choose from these two good workout routines if you decide to go for a home-based workout.
1) Workout every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The session will begin with a 15 to 20 minute Cardio workout. If you don’t have a dance-along video you may opt for an outdoor run. Running up and down the stairs for 15-20 minutes will get your heart racing too. Stretch again after your Cardio session before you begin lifting weights. Here is a standard workout plan that you may follow.
- Shoulder presses = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
- Shoulder side lifts = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
- Triceps kickback = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
- Skull Crusher = 10-12 reps / sets
Grab that exercise mat and do sit ups with 15-20 reps. After the sit ups, perform the classic push-up exercise with 10-12 reps / 3 sets. Perform sit ups again with the same number of reps and sets. After sit ups, perform stretching and shake your arms and legs off to cool down.
- Standing bicep alternate curl = 10-12 reps /3 sets
- Standing hammer curls = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
- Concentrated bicep curls = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
- Lunges = 12-15 reps / 3 sets
- Squats = 12-15 reps / 3 sets
Since you exercise your legs on a Wednesday, ensure that you stretch your legs more than the usual during this day. Perform sit ups with 15 – 20 reps after your post workout stretch.
- Dumb bell presses = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
- Dumb bell flies exercise = 10-12 reps / 3 sets
You will be lying down on the floor the whole time you perform the presses and the fly exercises. Your elbows touching the floor ensure that the chest muscles are hit.
Best workout routines for the chest should always end up with 10-12 reps / 3 sets of push up.
In order to give your muscle different levels and timings of stress week after week, you may do the same set and sequence of exercises stated above on different days.
Author Bio:
Felix Ankerson is a health and fitness enthusiast as well as an author for www.allworkoutroutines.com. His research and writing focus mainly on work out plans and weight training routines.

Category: Exercise