Could Your Marketing Platform Be Hurting Your Sales?
Years ago, when the Internet was newer, a hosts of organizations focused on building large databases. If they couldn’t build a large enough database on their own, by gaining subscribers directly via their websites, they went out and bought online mailing lists. It worked for awhile, then consumers got overloaded with emails. Before long, even people who opted into subscription programs decided to back out.
If you’re still relying solely or mainly on email, this type of automated marketing software could be hurting your sales. Cold calling is another marketing strategy that, if used by itself, could hurt your sales. Rather than continuing to use the marketing platform then stepping back and “hoping” that your efforts will produce the positive results you want, start looking into a more robust automated marketing software program.
To get the most out of automated marketing software, make sure the software offers, at a minimum, several options you can use to push messages out to social media networks. Automated marketing software should also come with dashboards, so you can run and review analytics, measuring your return on investment (both time and financial investments).
Other features of effective automated marketing software include a streamlined email marketing platform, lead capture, website visitor tracking tools and event management. For example, if you are gearing up for a community event, vendor festival or job fair, you’ll want a system that lets you create automated event nurture campaigns, create and post event surveys, plan for event seats and promote your events using social media.
Firms that develop automated marketing software have an in-depth understanding of technology. Top firms create products that offer their clients a holistic approach to launching and maintaining customer relationships. These leading marketing firms, like SalesFUSION, also provide offline and online marketing tools to their clients. Small and large companies can get marketing automation software fromsalesfusion.
When contracting with marketing firms, business owners should take a close look at the specific types of results tools built into the firms’ software yield. As reported by Fast Company, these results would do well to include the ability to connect with Twitter, a social media network that is reported to attract a large number of consumers who are between 55 and 64 years old. Leaders at these firms also know how to tap into Facebook’s 200+ million users. Fast Company reports that “189 million of Facebook’s users are ‘mobile only'”. Furthermore, top marketing firms will also provide you with tools to push content out to the millions of consumers who view YouTube videos each day.
Working with a marketing firm that doesn’t make these and other digital tools available to their clients could be hampering your sales results. Yet, it’s not enough to get a robust marketing system. The system’s developers must continue to upgrade their software. They must also make themselves available to you and your sales team, ensuring that you and your entire team know how to get the most out of each component of the software.

Category: Marketing
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