Student Loans
Understanding The Policies Behind Student Loan Debt
To finance their education, deserving students receive grants, scholarships and loans. Grants and scholarships come at no cost and are free, but loans must be repaid, together with accrued interest, within the stipulated period. Failure to make loan repayments could instigate legal action against the defaulter among other negative consequences. Student loan debt ranks among […]
Students Financial Plans – Fund Your Education Smartly
Records of student debts have surpassed all kinds of other credits. Student debts are increasing by leaps and bounds. According to US data, students’ debt has crossed $1 trillion level. Therefore, time has come when students should plan for making proper use of their finances to meet their college fees because qualifying for government loans […]

Skyrocketing Student Loan Debt Turns Dreams into Nightmares – Infographic
Here’s a great infographic showing the big mess our young people have with paying back their student loans. They have been sold a bill of goods by the universities and the media concerning the taking on of this debt and how it will benefit them. Truth is many accumulate large amounts of debt and never […]

Information on Student Loans and Credit Cards
As a prospective student for college, one concern you probably have is paying the university bill. It can be next to impossible to afford all of the books and tuition fees that are going to be coming your way. However, taking out credit cards and student loans may not necessarily be in your best interest. […]
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