Index Funds

4 Tips for the First Time Investor
If I was to give someone my best advice on investing I would tell them not wait for anything. Take whatever amount you have put aside to invest and open an account today. Starting to invest when you have a time frame of forty years is the best move you could ever make. Every year […]
Investing 101: Index Funds
If your thinking about getting into investing and want an easy way to get your feet wet why not try Index Funds. We all have the common problem of which of the 3000 plus mutual funds do we put are money in. You can search for the hot fund or the fund with the great […]

Use Index Funds Unless You Have Highly Qualified Professionals Advising You
If you were to ask one of the most highly successful investment officers where to invest, what would you expect the answer to be. I would expect to hear about a hot stock or a long-term high flyer. But I would be wrong. David Swensen who runs Yale University’s $19.4 Billion endowment says, “Either be […]
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