Save Energy
Golden Rules for a Golden Age
I recently visited my grandparents and it was a cold, miserable day. Their house wasn’t particularly warm but when I asked I got the usual “it’s fine for us”. It worried me that they weren’t keeping warm enough. They’re getting on a bit now so they are more vulnerable. I had a chat with my […]
Money-saving Solar Energy –An Invention by IBM
Solar energy has been one of those promises that seem to somehow have been left on the side lines over the last few decades, as companies try to find more efficient and reliable renewable energy sources. We have certainly seen a lot of offshore wind farms sprout up, not only in the UK but also […]
Lower Your Utility Bill and Increase Your Tax Refund: 4 Great Tips
Homeowners who care about going green will be happy to know that tax credits for energy efficient home improvements are still in place. When you make the right choices for your renovations, you can watch your utility bill drop while maximizing your refund in the spring. Here are four smart ways to achieve the best […]
Recycling E-Waste has now become a Necessity
I remember when I was growing up we had a few electronics in the house. A television, a radio set, a refrigerator, and maybe a fixed phone line. A VCR, dish washer, microwave oven, and our own laundry machine was added to this rather princely list much later and were clear signs of the growing […]
Saving Money: 5 Home Updates That Pay In Energy Efficiency
The cost of energy seems to go up every year, with no signs of relief in sight. However, you don’t have to resign yourself to sky-high energy bills. A few simple energy-conserving changes can slash your energy bills and make your home more eco-friendly as well. Let’s look at a few home updates that can […]
Five Little Home Improvements to Save You Big Bucks
You want to make home improvements, but you don’t know where to start. You want and need something that’s easy, but effective. Most of all, you want to see immediate results in your bank account. That’s a tall order, but not impossible. You just have to look at the biggest money-wasters in your home, and […]
Slash Your Home Energy Bills
Do you feel depressed every time an energy bill arrives in the mail? If so, you’re not alone – it seems like the cost of energy is going up all the time and eating into everyone’s household budgets. In fact, the average American home spends about $107 a month on electricity alone, and that goes […]
How to Cut Energy Bills and Improve Your Home’s Value
Whenever anyone is looking to save money they could do worse than look close to home – literally. We often take for granted set expenditures such as energy bills and look to save money elsewhere. But reducing expenditure on energy bills not only makes your home more efficient but your finances too. Thermal roof coating […]
How to Teach Your Kids to Save Energy
Saving energy in your home has to be a family practice. If the adults make a concerted effort to decrease energy use, but the children waste power and gas, you won’t be able save as much energy as you could – and should. This is why it is extremely beneficial to arm your children with […]
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