Save Energy

Concerned About Raising Utilities Costs This Winter? 4 Steps to Prevent Energy Waste
Currently, the world uses over 140,000 Terra watts of power in a single year. This number is much higher than in 2000 when the figure was 112,000 Terra watts of usage between natural gas, coal, water, and other power sources. Each year, the costs of heating and cooling homes and businesses go up. We look […]

Saving on Utilities: 4 Changes to Help Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
If you would like to save a little bit of money every month, then you might want to start thinking about some ways that you can make your home more energy efficient. Here is a look at four upgrades and changes that are going to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy bills. Switch […]

Unbearable Utilities: Reduce Your Electric Costs by Implementing These 4 Tips
Utilities make up some of the most significant household expenditures for American families. Monthly electric bills are particularly significant in terms of home budgets, and some parts of the country end up paying more than others. The average monthly power bill for a family in Columbus, Ohio is around $152, which represents about $45 more […]

4 Creative Ways to Save Money on Heating and Cooling Costs
Whether you are a new homeowner just getting used to paying your utility bills or a seasoned homeowner tired of paying high electric bills in the summer and high gas bills in the winter, you are sure to appreciate some helpful hints for easing your bills down to a more comfortable level. While you are […]

4 Tips for Keeping Your Home Cozy without Excessive Spending
During the long, cold winter, keeping you and your family warm and comfortable is one of your highest priorities. Receiving your utility bill and realizing just how much that comfort costs, though, may make that comfort seem a little less comfortable. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to keep your home nice and warm […]

You Can Save Money on Utilities – How to Do It
People spend a lot of money throughout the year and in most cases, they only take note only on the major purchases. You can automatically remember the cost of that TV that you bought midyear, or the facelift that you gave your kitchen. However, when it comes to the expenses that you incur on a […]

Financial Fixes: What to Do When Your Utility Bill Is Abnormally High
Everyone hates seeing a high utility bill. Most people hope turning off a light or two will help with next month’s bill. However, more can be done for increased savings. Here’s what you can do when your utility bill is abnormally high! Get Rid of Phantom Energy Lowering utility bills can easily start by eliminating […]

3 Ways Solar Power Can Save You Money Outside Your Home
The sun has been used for centuries by humans for growing food, keeping warm, and drying out clothes. The discovery of solar power, which is the conversion of sunlight energy into electricity, has been changing the way humans live once again. We are sure that you are familiar with solar panels for homes, but you […]

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Water Waste in Your Home
Water may be relatively cheap, but you’d be surprised at how much money you can save by exercising just a little bit of caution around your water usage. If you get a flow meter from you can monitor your water usage. Moreover, conserving water is simply better for the environment—it reduces water treatment costs; reduces the […]
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