Home Insurance

Working With Insurance To Avoid Paying for a New Roof Alone
As a homeowner, one of the most stressful situations you can face is needing a new roof. Whether it’s due to storm damage or simply old age, the cost of a new roof can be significant. However, there is one saving grace in these situations: home insurance. In this blog post, we will discuss the […]

Five Things you need to do Before Shopping Around for Home Insurance
There are many good reasons to insure your home. A good insurance policy is like a security blanket; it can protect you in the event of a disaster. The problem with buying home insurance is that it can be quite confusing, and many people make the mistake of looking only at a policy’s bottom-line when […]

Helpful Tips That Will Help You Save Money On Your House Insurance
Anyone who has ever gotten a home mortgage knows that obtaining an adequate homeowner’s insurance policy is a requirement that lending institutions will require before closing a loan. Depending upon the replacement value of the home and other factors like the age and location of a home, this insurance policy can add quite a bit […]
Why You Must Review Your Homeowners Policy Annually
If you have a home, you likely have some form of homeowner’s insurance. This insurance basically provides financial protection from risks to your home including damage from fire and natural disasters. It also means protection of goods and property from theft. Another benefit often overlooked is liability. If anything happens to a person on your […]
Insurance: How Much Do You Really Need for Your Home?
Owning your own home is an exciting, yet big responsibility. A move that should be preceded by several months of searching and evaluating. This rule applies irrespective of where you are seeking that home and the type of home you are seeking – a nice house with a lot of yard space out in the […]

Perpetual Life Insurance: Investing in Savings
Most homeowners insurance policies have set terms and are renewed upon the completion of those terms. In contrast, perpetual homeowners insurance policies are set up so that the policies last until one of the parties choose to end the insurance agreement, hence the descriptor ‘perpetual.’ Homeowners who purchase perpetual homeowners insurance policies usually pay deposits […]
The Necessity of Home Insurance in the Philippines
Possibilities of earthquakes always prevail over the Philippines because of its geographical location. Very recently, the country was struck by an earthquake of 6.8 magnitudes. Some places experienced slight tremors while some were very badly affected as the many houses and roads got destroyed. Along with earthquakes, the country is also very much prone to […]
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